This tool will help to download informations like an actual price, stock info or daily tick prices and volumes for a given ticker(s).
$ npm install --save nasdaq-finance
class takes one argument with a configuration object containing these values:
logLevel: 'info' tickerConcurrency: 4 requestConcurrency: 4 requestDelay: 50
object has three main methods:
- getInfo - will return an object with basic info about ticker(s)
- getPrice - will return a current price displayed on a Nasdaq page.
- getTicks - get ticks data (time, price, volume) for a given ticker(s)
Example usage
All three methods accepts two arguments. First is a single ticker or an array of all tickers which should be fetched. The second argument is a boolean which modifies the result from array to object indexed by tickers. More info bellow in the usage examples.
Stock info
Will return a stock info about a requested
const nf = nf
Stock price
Will return a current stock price listed on nasdaq page.
const nf = nf
Stock ticks
Tests: npm test And as always .. PRs more than welcomed :-)