
1.0.5 • Public • Published


NArrange is a .NET code beautifier that automatically organizes code members and elements within .NET classes.

NArrange executes a Windows .exe executable (as a child process) and thus only works on a Windows environment.


Install as a (dev) package dependency:

npm install narrange -D

Quick start

From your node.js script, execute narrange.exe in a child process

const { createNArrange } = require("narrange");
const path = require("path");
const { narrange, ctx } = createNArrange({
  srcPath: path.join(__dirname, "src/apps/mango"),
  configFilePath: path.join(__dirname, "config/NArrange.xml")
  // set debug mode
  // debugOn: true

Note that the factory method createNArrange returns both narrange and a ctx context object. Look at the ctx object to ensure you have configured narrange correctly.

During experimentation, pass debugOn: true as an option to createNArrange

Pre-commit hooks

You can use this recipe to integrate NArrange with git hooks, such as pre-commit hooks:

  • Setup git hooks via husky
  • Create node script to trigger on hook

Setup hooks

Install and setup husky

Add the following to your package.json file (or create a new one using npm init)

  "devDependencies": {
    "narrange": "~1.0.0"
    "husky": "~1.3.1"
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "node format-csharp.js"

Run npm install from your Terminal to install dependencies: husky and narrange

Create node script

Create a Node script format-csharp.js that runs narrange.exe on your source files using a config file with your specific preferences.

Assuming we put the script in a /scripts folder in the project root

const { createNArrange } = require("narrange");
const path = require("path");
const rootPath = path.join(__dirname, "../");
const srcPath = path.join(rootPath, "Areas")
const configFilePath = path.join(rootPath, "config/NArrange.xml")
const { narrange } = createNArrange({

Tabs configuration

In case you want to convert spaces to tabs, you can use one of the included configuration files

  • config/Tabs4.xml converts 4 spaces to 1 tab
  • config/Tabs2.xml converts 2 spaces to 1 tab

Assuming we put the script in a /scripts folder in the project root

const path = require("path");
const rootPath = path.join(__dirname, "../");
const narrangeHomePath = path.join(rootPath, "node_modules/narrange");
const narrangeConfigPath = path.join(narrangeHomePath, "config");
// const narrangeLibPath = path.join(narrangeHomePath, "lib");
const configFilePath = path.join(narrangeConfigPath, "Tabs4.xml")s


To create your own formatting rules, by specifying your own rules in the <Formatting> section on the config file. Use any of the files included in config or lib folders of this package.

    <Tabs Style="Tabs" SpacesPerTab="2"/>
    <ClosingComments Enabled="false" Format="End $(ElementType) $(Name)"/>
    <Regions Style="NoDirective" />
    <Usings MoveTo="Namespace"/>
    <LineSpacing RemoveConsecutiveBlankLines="true" />

Note that you can use the narrange-config.exe to edit a configuration file using a GUI, which ensures you can only populate it with valid values.

Simple tabs formatting configuration

Simple configuration to force 2 spaces to be converted to a tab:

const { narrange } = createNArrange({
  srcPath: path.join(__dirname, "src/apps/mango"),
  tabs: 4 // use instead of configFilePath to select built in Tabs config file


The function createNArrange creates a child process which executes the narrange.exe executable. createNArrange accepts the following options:

  • onError custom stderr handler function
  • onOut custom stdout handler function
  • createMainHandler factory method to create main handler
  • createExitHandler factory method to create process exit handler
  • createWriters factory method to create writers (error, info, debug methods)
  • createCommand factory method to create the command to execute in the child process
  • exitHandler process exit handler function (takes precedence over factory)
  • mainHandler main handler function (takes precedence over factory)
  • srcPath path to input folder for narrange (location folder of source files to process)
  • configFilePath path to narrange config file
  • exePath path to narrange exe to override version available in this module
  • tabs spaces count to tabs used in formatting (used to select built in Tabs config file) - 2 or 4
  • debugOn turn debug mode on or off (default: false)

Note that all these options are optional. If any option is left out, a default value is used.

Custom narrange setup example :

const { createNArrange } = require("narrange");
const path = require("path");
const createMainHandler = (opts = {}) => {
  return (err, stdout, stderr) => {
    // ..
    if (err) {
const onError = (err) {
const { narrange } = createNArrange({
  srcPath: path.join(__dirname, "src/apps/mango"),
  configFilePath: path.join(__dirname, "config/NArrange.xml"),
  // tabs: 2 // use instead of configFilePath to select built in Tabs config file


narrange exports the following "building blocks":

  • exitHandler function
  • mainHandler function
  • createMainHandler factory function
  • createExitHandler factory function
  • createWriters function to create info, error, and debug functions
  • defaults config object
  • paths config object

This should make it easy to build a custom narrange solution to suit your needs.

Full script example

The following example uses minimist to parse process args passed from shell.

const path = require("path");
const minimist = require('minimist');
const { createNArrange } = require("narrange");
const processArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
const opts = {
  alias: {
    h: 'help',
    s: 'src',
    t: 'tabs'
// args is an object, with key for each named argument
const args = minimist(processArgs, opts);
const defaults = {
  srcFolder: "./",
  tabs: 4
if ( {
  -s src folder (default: ./ )
  -t spaces per tab (default: 4)
const srcFolder = args.src || defaults.srcFolders;
const tabs = args.tabs || defaults.tabs;
const rootPath = path.join(__dirname, "..");
const srcPath = path.join(rootPath, srcFolder),


You can run some basic tests using jest

$ npm test

Note that the executable narrange.exe can only be executed on a Windows (perhaps also using Mono?) platform.

More resources


gits: PowerShell - Recurse Project

Format-Document PowerShell function which leverages Recurse-Project and automates calling into Visual Studio’s Format Document command.

function Format-Document {
    [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
  Process {
    $ProjectName | %{
      Recurse-Project -ProjectName $_ -Action
        if($item.Type -eq 'Folder' -or !$item.Language)
        $win = $item.ProjectItem.Open('{7651A701-06E5-11D1-8EBD-00A0C90F26EA}')
        if ($win)
          Write-Host "Processing `"$($item.ProjectItem.Name)`"" [System.Threading.Thread]::Sleep(100) $win.Activate() $item.ProjectItem.Document.DTE.ExecuteCommand('Edit.FormatDocument') $item.ProjectItem.Document.DTE.ExecuteCommand('Edit.RemoveAndSort') $win.Close(1)

Format-Document can be configured for Visual Studio and used to run your existing Format Document command on a subset of project files, using recurse project to iterate and select the files to be processed.


More docs

See [./] for more details on using narrange directly.


See NArrange license terms

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