This is a fork of nibe-fetcher by z0mt3c. Later changed to myUplink API for node.
This fork aims for zero dependencies(node native modules) and promise based to work with NIBE uplink API v1 and the as of 2024 newer API of myUplink (APIv2).
Zero dependencies so I don't have to update this module every so often and promise based as I like JS async/await way of coding.
npm install myuplink-fetcher-promise
More info about what the calls new to contain can be found here.
const UplinkClient = require('myuplink-fetcher-promise')
const uplinkClient = new UplinkClient({
clientId:'asdasdasda', // Get this at
clientSecret:'adasdasd123!!xasd', // Get this at
authCode:'blblablabla', // Leave empty at first run and replace with content after browsing link from console output URL
sessionStore: Path.join(__dirname, './.session.json'), // Default session data stored in a file at the modules root dir
scope: 'READSYSTEM offline_access', // Default=READSYSTEM or can be 'READSYSTEM WRITESYSTEM'. Note 'offline_access' was implemented in APIv2 and means that the access code wont die after an hour.
systemId: 123152 // OPTIONAL if you only have one system ignore this setting. Or for multiple systems get yours via function getSystems()
//debug: 0, // Must be a number from 0=off to 3=most console.logs
//redirectUri: '', // The Oauth return URL. Pr default links to z0mt3c page that just make the authCode ready for an easy copy/paste for you.
sessionStore: Path.join(__dirname, './.session.json') // Were to store the session details.
Continuously resource problems? Try clearing the stored session details from storage
Returns nothing
Gets you list of systems connected to your user
Returns a Promise. Resolving to {..., objects: [each of your systems]}
Gets you all parameters that can be retrieved for your system
Returns a Promise. Resolving to {parameter_key:{... values },parameter_key...}
Generic GET request containing authorization
Required: path
Optional: queryParameters
E.g. for systemID 54654:
Returns a Promise. Resolving to an object containing the response.
This PUT function will require you to have a premium subscription to be allowed work else an error code 404 is thrown
Generic PUT request containing authorization
Required: path, body
E.g. for systemID 54654 telling outside temperature is 15°C:
uplinkClient.putURLPath(`/v2/systems/54654/parameters`,{settings: {40067: 150}})
Returns a Promise. Resolving to an object containing the response.
Generic POST request containing authorization
Required: path, body
E.g. for systemID 54654 making a virtual temperature probe at 22°C:
Returns a Promise. Resolving to an object containing the response.
To help with an easy start
Log into . Create an application with callback URL =
. Note the Identifier aka. clientId and the Secret aka clientSecret as input parameters when creating this class.
If you have multiple systems connected you must find the systemId via await uplinkClient.getSystems()
as shown below. If you only have one this will be automatically chosen.
const UplinkClient = require('myuplink-fetcher-promise')
const fs = require('node:fs/promises')
const Path = require('path')
const myOptions = {
clientId: 'TnQN5WAykGeTuVX1VQxmLd', // aka Identifier from
clientSecret: 'V6VATXbJr0eX0fqph5BAjt', // aka Secret from,
authCode: '', // authCode should be empty at first run
// systemId: 123152 // OPTIONAL if you only have one system ignore this setting
//debug: 0 // DEFAULT = 0, increase to 3 for most verbose console.logs
const uplinkClient = new UplinkClient(myOptions)
async function start() {
try {
const systemsData = await uplinkClient.getSystems()
// Returns: {..., objects: [each of your systems]}
const allParameters = await uplinkClient.getAllParameters()
// console.log(allParameters)
// Returns: {parameter_key:{... values },parameter_key...}
fs.writeFile(Path.join(__dirname, './.parameters.json'), JSON.stringify(allParameters, null, 2))
// Pretty prints all parameters to a file at module root
} catch (error) {
if (error.message && error.message.includes('Need new authCode.')) {
// Normal to hit this on first request or when session expires
} else {
The API specifies to do only one request pr 4 second but allowing some burst(undefined precisely what this means). Implement this your own way when using this module.
As a default the session data is stored in the directory of this module and only one session is stored(The newest one). Change options sessionStore
to fix this and remember to clean up orphaned files after changing sessionStore
This module has not implemented a way of handling pagination. Pagination is however part of the API spec. But I haven't found any usage for it.