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iinkJS grants you high integration flexibility by letting you choose your favorite framework or components. For this reason, we have decided to focus on iinkJS and to discontinue our ready-to-use Web components.


5.1.0 • Public • Published

MyScript Math Web

npm version Published on Vaadin  Directory Stars on Published on Examples Documentation

The easy way to integrate mathematical expressions handwriting recognition in your web app.

myscript-math-web is a Web component that can be used in every web application to bring mathematical handwriting recognition and conversion.

It integrates all you need:

  • Signal capture for all devices,
  • Digital ink rendering,
  • Link to MyScript Cloud to bring handwriting recognition.

Table of contents


If you're not familiar with MyScript and Interactive Ink, consider discovering its major features with our math demo.

Simple example of myscript-math-web.

All our examples with the source codes.


  • Easy to integrate,
  • Digital ink capture and rendering,
  • Rich editing gestures,
  • Content export,
  • Styling,
  • Typeset support,
  • More than 200 mathematical symbols supported.

You can discover all the math features on our Developer website.


  1. Have npm or yarn installed.
  2. Have a MyScript developer account. You can create one here.
  3. Get your keys and the free monthly quota to access MyScript Cloud at


Use an existing project or start a fresh one.

npm init

Install myscript-math-web and use it as showed in the Usage section.

npm install myscript-math-web


  1. Create an index.html file in the same directory.

  2. Add the following lines in the head section to import the library and the webcomponents polyfill.

<script type="module" src="node_modules/myscript-math-web/myscript-math-web.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
  1. Still in the head section, add the following style:
    myscript-math-web {
        height: 100vh;
  1. Use the component in the body section with the keys you received by mail.
  1. Your index.html file should look like this:
        <script type="module" src="node_modules/myscript-math-web/myscript-math-web.js"></script> 
        <script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script> 
            myscript-math-web {
                height: 100vh;
  1. Launch a local Web server to start using it! We recommend to use the polymer one, you can find more information on the Polymer website.
polymer serve

You can find this guide and a more complete example on the MyScript Developer website.


You can find a complete documentation with the following sections on our Developer website:

We also provide a complete API Reference.

Getting support

You can get support and ask your questions on the dedicated section of MyScript Developer website.

Sharing your feedback

Made a cool app with myscript-math-web? We would love to hear about you! We’re planning to showcase apps using it so let us know by sending a quick mail to


We welcome your contributions: if you wish to contribute to myscript-math-web, feel free to fork it!

Please take a look at our contributing guidelines before submitting your pull request.


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0.

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npm i myscript-math-web

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  • myscript