A thin wrapper around mocha that finds tests anywhere in your project and provides a utility that gets tests up and running quickly
Supported on Node.js versions 4 and 6
npm install --save-dev mycha
- add
to your PATH environment variable
mycha install
prompts you for where you would like to install your default test helper,
- If
has an extension found here then it writes the test helper in that language and updates the configuration file accordingly
- If
npm install --save-dev chai sinon sinon-chai
writes to
processenvNODE_ENV = 'test';var chai = ;var sinon = ;chai;globalchai = chai;globalexpect = chaiexpect;globalsinon = sinon; -
writes to
# Environment variables to add to process.env when running mochamochaEnv: {}# Default options to pass to mocha (can be overridden by command line options)mochaOptions:colors: truereporter: dot# Path patten used for finding tests (see https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch)testFilePattern: '**/*{spec,test}.js'# Files to include before all teststestHelpers:- #{testHelperPath}
mycha [mochaOptions] [<folder>...] [<file>...]
- if no folders or files are specified runs all tests
- if folders or files are specified, pass them through to mocha
To add a new compiler, add an entry here and add a language specific version of the test helper here.
see our developer documentation