Multidimensional Map
A multidimensional map allows multiple keys to be mapped to a numeric value, called a measure (e.g. "money", "volume"). Each of those keys will be part of a separate dimension (e.g. "age", "month", "gender").
Each map can be subsetted into a new map given a filter (specifying direct matches or a range), and entries with the same key within a dimension can be combined (similar to marginalization in math). The concept of key ordering for ranges is determined by insertion order.
This is primarily a write-once structure meant to manipulate data. This data structure was originally designed to work similarly to an OLAP cube, but more lightweight with a subset of features.
Getting Started
npm install multidimensional-map
const MultidimensionalMap =
Imagine we have data of a morning fruit shop, open from 8am to 11am daily. The shop sells apples, oranges, and bananas. Below we get the data from two days of sales:
const data = day: '07/20/2020' hour: '8am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 35 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '8am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 12 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '8am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 26 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 33 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 23 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 11 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 46 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 34 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 32 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 67 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 36 day: '07/20/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 54 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '8am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 25 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '8am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 8 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '8am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 21 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 20 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 16 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 23 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 50 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 39 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 32 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'apple' numberSold: 78 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 53 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 26
Notice that data is enumerated over all dimensions, where each key is still inputted in a specific order. numberSold is a measure, while day, hour, and item are dimensions.
const dimensions = 'day' 'hour' 'item'const dataMap = dimensions data /* Creates a new map with only banana and orange sales from 9am to 11am on 07/21/2020 */const subset = dataMap /* Gets total number sold within subset */const combined = subset/* Combines the entries from the subset over the "item" dimension */const combinedOverItem = subsetconst combinedOverHour = subset/* When multiple dimensions are given, the order determines the nesting of the output object */const combinedOverBoth = subsetconst combinedOverBoth2 = subset
/* subset.getAllEntries() */ day: '07/21/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 16 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '9am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 23 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 39 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '10am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 32 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'orange' numberSold: 53 day: '07/21/2020' hour: '11am' item: 'banana' numberSold: 26 /* combined */ numberSold: 189 /* combinedOverItem */ orange: numberSold: 108 item: 'orange' banana: numberSold: 81 item: 'banana' /* combinedOverHour */ '9am': numberSold: 39 hour: '9am' '10am': numberSold: 71 hour: '10am' '11am': numberSold: 79 hour: '11am' /* combinedOverBoth */ orange: '9am': numberSold: 16 item: 'orange' hour: '9am' '10am': numberSold: 39 item: 'orange' hour: '10am' '11am': numberSold: 53 item: 'orange' hour: '11am' banana: '9am': numberSold: 23 item: 'banana' hour: '9am' '10am': numberSold: 32 item: 'banana' hour: '10am' '11am': numberSold: 26 item: 'banana' hour: '11am' /* combinedOverBoth2 */ '9am': orange: numberSold: 16 hour: '9am' item: 'orange' banana: numberSold: 23 hour: '9am' item: 'banana' '10am': orange: numberSold: 39 hour: '10am' item: 'orange' banana: numberSold: 32 hour: '10am' item: 'banana' '11am': orange: numberSold: 53 hour: '11am' item: 'orange' banana: numberSold: 26 hour: '11am' item: 'banana'
new MultidimensionalMap(dimensions: string[], entries?: EntryType[], order?: Order)
Creates a map with certain dimensions (entries may have more keys than needed). The entries
parameter works the same as using addEntries
. Order allows an optional override for the ordering (usually determined by insertion order), which takes dimension names as keys and arrays as values.
addEntries(entries: EntryType[]): void
Adds an array of entries to the map. The dimensions of the entries should be the same as those specified in the constructor.
getAllEntries(): EntryType[]
Returns all entries in the map in insertion order.
getSubset(query: Query, options?: SubsetOptions): MultidimensionalMap
Creates a subset of the current entries using specified constraints. See Usage for examples.
query[dimension]: (string | number) or object
If passed a string or number key, it will try to find direct matches to key within the dimension. If given an object, either a
can be specified, but not both.-
query[dimension].range? : [start: (string | number), end: (string | number)]
Gives all entries within the range (start, end), inclusive. Ordering is determined by insertion order, but range won't always make sense of some dimensions (e.g. itemType).
query[dimension].matches? : (string | number)[]
Allows for multiple direct match queries. Specifying just one item is equivalent to setting
as that item.
options.keepOrder : string[] | boolean
Given true, the subset will have the same order as the original map for all dimensions, even if the subset have no entries under certain items in a dimension.
To specify only certain dimensions to preserve ordering, pass a string array with dimension names.
getSubsetArray(query: Query): EntryType[]
Similar to getSubset
, but gives array back directly instead of inserting it into a new map (for less overhead).
combineEntries(measure: string | string[], dimensions?: string | string[], entries?: EntryT[])
: name of the key (or keys) to sum over.dimensions?
: dimension name or names that determine how the measures are summed. Entries with the same key within those dimensions are combined into a single entry. The order the fields also specifies the nesting of the output object. If fields is empty or not given, it will sum up the measure over all entries.entries?
: special override for which entries the function is run on, making it work similarly to a static function
length: number
Getter for number of entries in the map