Simple demonastration of Muller's Recurrence problem which shows the floating point roundoff errors.
You can get this example via NPM
npm install mueller
This example is implemented using in 3 ways:
- using native Number class
- using bignumber.js
- using decimal.js
In order to run it this example use the following command
node index.js [library] [decimal_places]
library can be "dec" or "big" for decimal.js or bignumber.js respectively. If it isn't provided native Number is used.
decimal_places is used for bignumber.js and represents the maximum number of decimal places of the results of operations. (default values is 20)
The tests were done using Intel® Core™ i7-4702MQ @ 2.20 Ghz with default number of decimal places for bignumber.js
real 0m0.299suser 0m0.000ssys 0m0.031s
real 0m28.282suser 0m0.000ssys 0m0.015s
real 0m25.758suser 0m0.015ssys 0m0.015s