A simple Javascript wrapper to easily interface with Mountebank and not have to deal with its
abstract object structure requirements.
While not providing an API for the full feature list that mountebank has, MountebankHelper provides enough functionality so that it reflects the core purpose of Mountebank and is easy to use at the same time.
In the future this library will probably become a full-fledged Javascript wrapper around several of Mountebanks powerful CLI commands
// import the mountebank helper libraryconst mbHelper = ; // create the skeleton for the imposter (does not post to MB)const firstImposter = 'imposterPort' : 3000 ; // construct sample responses and conditions on which to send itconst sample_response = 'uri' : '/hello' 'verb' : 'GET' 'res' : 'statusCode': 200 'responseHeaders' : 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' 'responseBody' : JSON ; const another_response = 'uri' : '/pets/123' 'verb' : 'PUT' 'res' : 'statusCode': 200 'responseHeaders' : 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' 'responseBody' : JSON ; // add our responses to our imposterfirstImposter;firstImposter; // start the MB server and post our Imposter to listen!mbHelper;
Now you can navigate to localhost:3000/hello to see the mocked response!
This will start up the main Mountebank server and have it start listening for imposter create/update requests. This must be called before making any postToMountebank or updateResponse calls
MountebankHelper.Imposter(port, protocol)
Constructor for the Imposter class which serves as the main entry point for interacting with Mountebank.
A single instance of an Imposter class represents a single Mountebank imposter listening on a single port.
Adds a new stub to the imposter. A stub represents a combination of a predicate (conditions to be met) and a response (the response to be returned when those conditions are met).
This library only provides functionality for the equals predicate meaning, only complete response matches can be used as a predicate. See usage at end of README
"uri" : some_uri // URI against which we are matching an incoming request "verb" : GET // HTTP method against which we are matching an incoming request "res" : // The response that is to be returned when the above conditions get met "statusCode" : 200 "responseHeaders" : "Content-Type" : "application/json" "responseBody" : JSON
Makes the actual POST request to the instance of mountebank running on localhost:2525 in order to setup the listening Imposter. Returns a Promise that resolves to the response returned from the Mountebank server
Imposter.updateResponseBody(newBody, pathToUpdate)
The content of the new body that is to be returned by the imposter. Must be a string
"uri" : some_uri // URI of the response you wish to update "verb" : GET // HTTP Method of the response you wish to update
Imposter.updateResponseCode(newCode, pathToUpdate)
The new status code that is to be returned by the imposter. Must be a string
"uri" : some_uri // URI of the response you wish to update "verb" : GET // HTTP Method of the response you wish to update
Imposter.updateResponseHeaders(newHeaders, pathToUpdate)
The content of the new headers that is to be returned by the imposter. Must be a string
"uri" : some_uri // URI of the response you wish to update "verb" : GET // HTTP Method of the response you wish to update
Functionality / Features Not Yet Implemented
- Support for fuzzy matching (via regex) on incoming-request body content (as opposed to exact path match) [DONE]
- Include the process of starting the Mountebank server as part of existing Functionality (abstract it away from the client so they don't have to call startMbServer() )
- Travis CI Build Setup [DONE]
- Post to NPM as installable module [DONE]
- Increase Code Coverage to 95%