Simple Data Layer for the JS Developer. Inspired by Svelte and Gatsby
Getting Started
To define your modules for Moran simply create a moran.config.js file like this:
var TestDataModule = exportsmodules = "testData":
Add the following to the rollup.config plugin list:
Not yet implemented, stay tune!
Not yet implemented, stay tume!
Using Moran
At compilation time
Then to use it in your project all you need to do is add a graphql query where you want a data object to exist
_: data = `{ testData { hello } }`
Note the _ label is before your data variable name. This is critical as the moran plugin looks for this _ to make a call to your data sources to populate that variable.
At runtime
At runtime all you need to do is instantiate a moran object with the config file.
let Moran = let moran = ; let result = moran
Want to develop your own module??
It's simple! All you need is to define a schema and resolver for your data and pass it into the parent class 'MoranModule'!
var MoranModule = { ifoptions && optionspaths let schema = ` type TestObject2{ test: String } type TestObject { test: TestObject2 } type root { hello: String, testObject: TestObject } `; let resolver = { return 'Hello world!'; } { return test: test: "test" } ; superschema resolver; } moduleexports = TestDataModule
The schema needs to include a type named "root". This is what will be used to define the modules schema when it is stiched with all the other schemas.
Define resolver for the objects within your schema. This can be used to call apis, load data from files or generate random data.