Will convert an input field into a dropdown motnh-picker what lets the user chose between presets and custom dates. Highly configurable. This plugin currently uses Tether for positioning the picker. It's not a must, but it's better to position the picker on screen this way, inseatd of absolutely positioning it inside some element, due to overflow clipping that might occur.
Tested on IE9+ and obviously works on normal browsers.
Demo page
How to use:
$('input').rangePicker({ minDate:[2,2009], maxDate:[10,2013] })
// subscribe to the "done" event after user had selected a date
.on('datePicker.done', function(e, result){
The main settings object is $.fn.rangePicker.defaults
and these are the default settings, which can be set per-intance:
RTL : false,
closeOnSelect : true,
presets : [{
buttonText : '1 month',
displayText : 'one month',
value : '1m'
buttonText : '3 months',
displayText : 'three months',
value : '3m'
buttonText : '6 months',
displayText : 'six months',
value : '6m'
buttonText : '12 months',
displayText : 'twelve months',
value : '12m'
months : ['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'],
minDate : [5,2006],
maxDate : [8,2013],
setDate : null
Fork changes
- Now NPM package
- Tether.js replaced with CSS positioning
- Adaptive markup
- Able to work with more precise ISO string dates ranges - e.g. '2017-10-03T13:35:25.782Z,2017-11-03T15:21:21.782Z' (which might be important when you get the dates back)