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Monster helps you build and manipulate Finite State Machines (and/or Flying Spaghetti Monsters). It tries to offer a simple, Node-like API based on EventEmitters, with just enough automagic to make things easy.

Example: A connection

To define a connection that can be new, open, or closed, you might define a small FSM:

var monster = require('monster');
var opened = new monster.State('opened');
var closed = new monster.State('closed');
var conn = new monster.Monster();
conn.addTransition(new monster.Transition('open', null, opened));
conn.addTransition(new monster.Transition('close', opened, closed));

// monster.Uninitialized
conn.on('open', function() {
    // Open a connection here.
conn.close(); // Not opened yet:
// throw monster.InvalidTransition;
// opened
// true


A State object is a simple named object that represents one state of the FSM. An FSM may only be in one State at a time. States emit two events: enter and leave, with no arguments.

Monster defines a default state, monster.Uninitialized, which is the starting state of any FSM, unless otherwise specified.

var myState = new monster.State('myState');
myState.on('enter', function() { console.log('entered myState'); });
myState.on('leave', function() { console.log('left myState'); });


Transitions define how the FSM is allowed to change states. Transitions also provide verbs to the FSM. They emit a single transition event with two arguments, from and to, which are both State objects.

The constructor arguments are (name, from, to):

var start = new monster.Transition('start', null, started);
var stop = new monster.Transition('stop', started, stopped);

The from argument must be one of:

  • null, which is a shortcut for the monster.Uninitialized state.
  • A State.
  • An array of States.

The to argument must be a State. The name argument must be a string and should be a reasonable verb, for example, "start" or "stop", "open" or "close".


Monster objects represent the actual Finite State Machines. They infer their possible States from Transitions. The API and events are dynamic, and based on the possible transitions.

By default, all Monsters start in the monster.Uninitialized state, but this can be overridden by passing another initial state to the constructor:

var basket = new monster.Monster(new State('empty'));


There are only a few methods common to all Monsters:

// Create an Uninitialized Monster:
var nest = new monster.Monster();

// Add a new Transition with addTransition:
nest.addTransition(new monster.Transition('build', null, built));

// Is the Monster in a final state (i.e. are there any transitions away
// from the current state)?
nest.isFinal();  // false

// Monster.transition is a consistent way to invoke any Transition:

Monster also automatically adds a method for each transition, so you can write more readable code:;  // Equivalent to nest.transition('build');

Transitions are only allowed from certain states. If you try to transition from any other state, Monster raises monster.InvalidTransition:

nest.state === monster.Uninitialized;  // true;
nest.state === built;  // true;  // throw new monster.InvalidTransition()


Monster objects emit several events. A few are common to all Monsters:

  • transition, when any transition occurs, with two arguments, the old state and the new state.
  • final, when the Monster enters a final state (i.e. there are no valid transitions from the new state).

Additionally, Monster emits events for each transition:

nest.addTransition(new monster.Transition('build', null, built));
nest.on('build', function() {
    console.log('The nest is built!');


monster.InvalidTransition is thrown when an FSM is not in a valid starting state for a given transition. For example, if a connection must be opened before it can be closed, calling close on an un-opened connection might throw an error:

var conn = new Monster();
conn.addTransition(new Transition('open', null, opened));
conn.addTransition(new Transition('close', opened, closed));

conn.close();  // throw InvalidTransition

Similarly, opening an already open connection:;;  // throw InvalidTransition


  • AMD, require.js, or another way to use Monster in a browser would be nice.
  • Some sort of test suite.
  • Make it possible to emit custom data with transitions.


Monster is distributed under the MIT/X11 license and is free software. See the LICENSE file for more information.




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