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A mongoose plugin to help manage user roles and user access levels.

There are many ways to handle user account access levels. This one has a very specific methodology.

  • A Model has a single role, and it is required.
  • You can add as many roles as you want.
  • An access level has many roles.
  • Access levels are used to make sure a user has access to a given functionality.

I've thought about adding the ability to have multiple roles and add methods to check if a user has any of the given roles and all of the given roles. The single role and setting access levels suits my personal needs, but if you find it would be useful to have this functionality, sound off in issues and pull requests.


npm install --save mongoose-rbac-plugin


'use strict'
var UserSchema = new require('mongoose').Schema({
  email: String
UserSchema.plugin(require('mongoose-rbac-plugin'), {
  roles: ['public', 'user', 'admin'],
  accessLevels: {
    public: ['public', 'user', 'admin'],
    anon: ['public'],
    user: ['user', 'admin'],
    admin: ['admin']
var User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)
var newUser = new User({ email: '', role: 'user' })
// The string passed in is an access level
console.log(newUser.hasAccess('public')) // true
console.log(newUser.hasAccess('anon')) // false
console.log(newUser.hasAccess('user')) // true
console.log(newUser.hasAccess('admin')) // false
console.log(newUser.hasAccess(['public', 'user'])) // true
console.log(newUser.hasAccess(['public', 'anon'])) // false (because the user isn't a part of 'anon' access level)

It it required that you pass in options to the plugin. This way you can set up the roles and access levels. As mentioned, users must have one of the roles passed into the roles option. The accessLevels are an easy way to configure which types of users will have access to certain functionality of your app.

For example, you could create an express middleware that verifies a user's permissions before they can access an API endpoint.

function hasAccess(accessLevel) {
  return function(req, res, next) {
    if (req.session.user && req.session.user.hasAccess(accessLevel)) {
      return next()
    return res.json({
      success: false,
      error: 'Unauthorized'
var router = require('express').Router()
router.get('/some-protected-route', [
  hasAccess('user'), // protection middleware
  function(req, res, next) {
    console.log('you have access!')
      secure: true,
      data: 'super secret data'

This plugin adds a role String field to a schema. It's set as an enum with the given roles values in the options. It is required, but I may be convinced to make that optional and set a default value or something.

It also adds a hasAccess() method to the model instances. It takes in a string of one of the accessLevels you defined in the options. If nothing is passed in, it will return false. Note that in v1, it used to return true. It was decided that passing in nothing was usually a case of not handling some edge data cases, such as looking up valid roles for an endpoint from a database. If a string is passed that isn't one of the access levels, it will return false.


  • roles (Array of Strings) - The string representation of the user roles. Default: []
  • accessLevels (Object) - An Object hash that has access levels as the property keys, and arrays of strings as the roles that have that access level. Default: {}
  • rolePath (String) - The path that the role property will be saved to the model instance. Default: 'role'
  • rolesStaticPath (String) - The path to the exposed roles given in the options. Default: 'roles'
  • accessLevelsStaticPath (String) - The path to the exposed access levels given in the options. Default: 'accessLevels'
  • hasAccessMethod (String) - The instance method name to be used to check a user's access level. Default: 'hasAccess'

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  • adityapatadia