
1.1.4 • Public • Published

Mongo HyperLogLog

Mongo version 4.4 is much slower than previous Mongo versions at updating the same in-memory document. On that version of Mongo, you should expect this library to cause ~5-10x as much load as it used to. I'm unsure whether subsequent versions of Mongo improve things, but I strongly recommend using the redis hyperloglog if that's an option.

A 32 bit implementation of the hyperloglog algorithm using a MongoDB collection for storage. Each counted key will take 16kb of memory, and will be accurate with minimal error up to cardinalities of 2^27.

Basic Usage

import MongoHyperLogLog from "mongo-hyperloglog";
// mongo collection
const collection: Collection = myCollection;
const hyperloglog = new MongoHyperLogLog(collection);
hyperloglog.on("error", console.error);

async function trackPurchase (userId: string) {
  await hyperloglog.add("bought_thing", userId);
async function trackPageView (userId: string) {
  await hyperloglog.add("page_view", userId);

async function getCounts () {
  return {
    boughtCount: await hyperloglog.count("bought_thing"),
    viewedCount: await hyperloglog.count("page_view"),
    boughtViewedUnion = await hyperloglog.countUnion(["bought_thing", "page_view"]),
    boughtViewedIntersection = await hyperloglog.countIntersection(["bought_thing", "page_view"]),


const hll = new MonogHyperLogLog(collection, {
  immediateFlush: false,
  // should this immediately send all updates to mongodb? queueing is the default

  syncIntervalMS: 5000, 
  // how often this flushes the queued updates to mongodb. ignored if immediateFlush is set to `true`

  hash: (s: string) => myCustomHashingFunction(s),
  // mongologlog uses sha256 for hashing, but you're welcome to provide your own hash function


add(key: string, value: string): Promise<void>; // queues value to add to sketch for key
count(key: string): Promise<number>; // estimated count for key
countUnion(keys: string[]): Promise<number>; // estimated count for union of keys
countIntersection(keys: string[]): Promise<number>; // estimated count for intersection of keys

close (): Promise<void> // flushes data & removes listeners

Details & Caveats

If you need a hyperloglog counter & can use redis's hyperloglog implementation instead, you should. The redis implementation is much faster because it's supported natively by redis (and because redis is simply much faster than mongo), and uses hyperloglog++ optimizations for sparse data sets & forumalae from New cardinality estimation algorithms for HyperLogLog sketches for increased accuracy.

  • this is a 32 bit implementation of hyperloglog, and will be slightly inaccurate for cardinalities above 2 ^ 32 / 30
  • this does not include hyperloglog++ bias correction when switching from linear counting to hyperloglog or other estimation algorithm improvements
  • WiredTiger's snapshotting model is well suited to this type of counting, but it's still not as fast as it would be if these counting operations were natively supported
  • by default, a MongoHyperLogLog will send updates to mongo every 1000ms (configurable by syncIntervalMS). To flush manually before exiting: await hyperloglog.close().
  • Mongo HyperLogLog registers store single characters to represent estimates between 0-31, which makes each register use 1 byte of memory.

Further reading

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  • kelwill