Moment-iterator is a moment-js addons, to iterate through date range, or create date range.
npm install moment-iterator --save
Few examples
Basic example:
var momentIterator = require('moment-iterator');
var start = new Date(2015, 4, 12);
var end = new Date(2015, 10, 2);
momentIterator(start, end).each('months', function(d) {
console.log('-->', d.format('LL'))
// --> May 12, 2015
// --> June 12, 2015
// --> July 12, 2015
// --> August 12, 2015
// --> September 12, 2015
// --> October 12, 2015
Using custom step:
momentIterator(start, end).each('4 hours', function(d) {
console.log('-->', d)
// --> Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:00 AM
// --> Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:00 AM
// --> Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:00 AM
// ...
momentIterator(start, end).each('3 months', console.log, {
toObject: true
// { years: 2015, months: 4, date: 12, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, milliseconds: 0 }
// { years: 2015, months: 7, date: 12, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, milliseconds: 0 }
trailling/leading date:
momentIterator(start, end).each('3 months', console.log, {
toObject: true,
leading: false,
trailing: true
// { years: 2015, months: 7, date: 12, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, milliseconds: 0 }
// { years: 2015, months: 10, date: 12, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, milliseconds: 0 }
formating date:
var range = momentIterator(start, end).range('months', {
// [ 'May 12, 2015 12:00 AM',
// 'June 12, 2015 12:00 AM',
// 'July 12, 2015 12:00 AM',
// 'August 12, 2015 12:00 AM',
// 'September 12, 2015 12:00 AM',
// 'October 12, 2015 12:00 AM' ]
toDate:Boolean // callback javascript date,
toObject // callback javascript plain object,
format:String // callback momentjs formated string,
trailling:Boolean // Specify invoking on the trailling edge of the range, (default true)
leading:Boolean // Specify invoking on the leading edge of the range. (default false)