JavaScript Resilience Library
is a JavaScript Resilience library that works on Node and on browsers.
Its purpose is to help organize asynchronous operations under a highly customizable circuit that helps manage error use cases.
When everything is falling apart, it stops the classic flow and uses modules to manage failures.
Please check out the official documentation to get started using Mollitia, visit
npm install --save mollitia
// Imports the library
import * as Mollitia from 'mollitia';
// Creates a circuit
const myCircuit = new Mollitia.Circuit({
// Initializes a circuit with a handler
func: yourFunction
// This will execute yourFunction('dummy')
await myCircuit.execute('dummy');
// Imports the library
import * as Mollitia from 'mollitia';
// Creates a retry module
const myRetryModule = new Mollitia.Retry({
attempts: 2,
interval: 500
// Creates a circuit
const myCircuit = new Mollitia.Circuit({
// Initializes a circuit with a handler
func: yourFunction,
options: {
modules: [
// Adds a retry module to the circuit
// This will execute yourFunction('dummy'), but if it fails, it will retry two times, once every 500ms
await myCircuit.execute('dummy');