A command-line interface for connecting to Moleculer microservices
🏠 Homepage
npm install moleculer-connect moleculer-repl@0.6.6
For example, run below command to connect to a Moleculer TypeScript project:
NODE_OPTIONS='--import tsx' moleculer-connect --env --config moleculer.config.ts
The CLI supports several options to customize the connection:
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-c, --config Load configuration from a file [string] [default: ""]
--ns Namespace [string] [default: ""]
--level Logging level [string] [default: "info"]
--id NodeID [string] [default: null]
-h, --hot Enable hot-reload [boolean] [default: false]
--serializer Serializer [string] [default: null]
--commands Custom REPL command file mask (e.g.: ./commands/*.js)
[string] [default: null]
👤 Dung Huynh Duc dung@productsway.com
- Github: @jelydn
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Copyright © 2023 Dung Huynh Duc dung@productsway.com.
This project is MIT licensed.