This package bundles an SDK
and a CLI
to allow basic usage of the Moises Developer Platform.
Here's how you can easily process a folder containing audio files against the moises/stems-vocals-drums-bass-other
import Moises from "moises/sdk"
const moises = new Moises({ apiKey: "your-api-key" })
await moises.processFolder(
npm i moises --save
interface Job {
id: string
app: string
workflow: string
name: string
workflowParams: {
inputUrl: string
[key: string]: string
result: {
[key: string]: string
createdAt: string
startedAt: string
completedAt: string | null
Uploads a local file to our temporary file server. Returns an temporary download url you can use on other methods.
uploadFile(fileLocation: string): Promise<string>
const downloadUrl = await moises.uploadFile(fileLocation)
Creates a new job and returns its corresponding JobId
. The jobName
can be anything you want (useful for your own reference).
addJob(jobName: string, workflowName: string, {
inputUrl: string
[key: string]: string
}): Promise<string>
const downloadUrl = await moises.uploadFile("./song.mp3")
const jobId = await moises.addJob(
{ inputUrl: downloadUrl }
Check the documentation for all the existing workflows and expected correspondent parameters.
Gets a job information by its id
getJob(id: string): Promise<Job>
const job = await moises.getJob(/* jobId */)
The job
variable value:
"id": "2e35babc-91c4-4121-89f4-5a2acf956b28",
"name": "My job 123",
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"workflow": {
"id": "2ae5eea3-63dd-445e-9a3f-ff0473e82fd2",
"name": "Stems Isolations - Vocals & accompaniments"
"workflowParams": {
"inputUrl": ""
"result": {
"vocals": "",
"accompaniments": ""
"createdAt": "2022-12-07T19:21:42.170Z",
"startedAt": "2022-12-07T19:21:42.307Z",
"completedAt": "2022-12-07T19:22:00.325Z"
Return all existing jobs associated with the provided apiKey
. You can optionally filter by status
and workflow
listJobs(filters?: { status?: Status[]; workflow?: string[] }): Promise<Job[]>
const jobs = await moises.listJobs()
const jobs = await moises.listJobs({
status: ["FAILED"],
workflow: ["workflow-a", "workflow-b"],
Delete a job by its id
deleteJob(id: string): Promise<void>
Waits until the job status is either SUCCEEDED
, and returns its information.
waitForJobCompletion(id: string): Promise<Job>
const job = await moises.waitForJobCompletion(/* jobId */)
if (job.status === "SUCCEEDED") {
console.log("Job succeeded!")
} else {
console.log("Job failed!")
Download all the job results to a local folder.
downloadJobResults(jobIdOrJobData: string | Job, outputFolder: string): Promise<string[]>
This function also creates a file called workflow.result.json
containing the result in the JSON format. When an output is a file, that field will contain the relative path to the file.
const resultPaths = await moises.downloadJobResults(/* jobId */, "./stems")
Or, if you already have the job object...
const job = await moises.waitForJobCompletion(/* jobId */)
const resultPaths = await moises.downloadJobResults(job, "./stems")
If the workflows has two outputs, vocals in WAVE format and bpm, two files will be created at the given folder: vocals.wav
and workflow.result.json
// workflow.result.json
"vocals": "./vocals.wav",
"bpm": "64"
Adds a new job and monitor its status till completion. At the end, the job is deleted.
processFile(workflow: string, origin: string, outputFolder: string): Promise<void>
await moises.processFile(
Adds a new job for each file in the folder and monitor their status till completion. At the end, the jobs are deleted.
workflow: string,
inputFolder: string,
outputFolder: string,
options: { concurrency?: number }
): Promise<"Ended normally" | "Aborted">
await moises.processFolder(
import Moises from "moises/sdk"
const moises = new Moises({ apiKey: "your-api-key" })
const downloadUrl = await moises.uploadFile("./song.mp3")
const jobId = await moises.addJob(
{ inputUrl: downloadUrl }
const job = await moises.waitForJobCompletion(jobId)
if (job.status === "SUCCEEDED") {
const files = await moises.downloadJobResults(job, "./stems")
console.log("Result:", files)
} else {
console.log("Job failed!")
await moises.deleteJob(jobId)
More information on the CLI Documentation page.