mockwizard mockwizard comes with different modules, that let you create mock data of many different kinds in seconds.
Saving time and effort Manually generating dummy data for testing and development purposes can be time-consuming and error-prone. By using a package that generates a variety of dummy data types, you can save time and effort while ensuring that the data is consistent and accurate.
Improving testing quality High-quality testing requires a variety of test data that accurately reflects real-world scenarios. Using a package that generates diverse dummy data types can help you create more comprehensive and accurate tests, improving the overall quality of your software.
Rapid prototyping When building a new application or feature, it can be helpful to generate sample data quickly to get a sense of how the final product will look and behave. This package can facilitate this rapid prototyping process, allowing you to experiment with different scenarios and edge cases without needing to manually create a large amount of data.
With npm:
npm install mockwizard
With yarn:
yarn add mockwizard
import { MockWizard } from "mockwizard";
const mw = new MockWizard();
// Generating mock data for 40 persons
const generatePersons = (personsCount: number): string[] | undefined => {
if (!personsCount || typeof personsCount !== "number" || personsCount <= 0) {
const persons: string[] = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < personsCount) {
const fullName = mw.person.fullName({ includeSaluation: true, gender: "female" });
i += 1;
return persons;
const mockPersons = generatePersons(40);
Basic config
Language and country specification
By default the locale
is set to en-US
, but you can choose other locales if you'd like to get more specific data, like names or city names.
For example, if you'd like to generate only names that are popular in France, just use fr-FR
, when setting up your MockWizard
import { MockWizard } from "mockwizard";
// Default: en-US
const mw = new MockWizard();
// Specific locale
const mw = new MockWizard("de-DE");
There might be some scenarios where specifying a locale doesn't affect the output.
Here's a list of currently supported locales:
Language | Country | Locale |
English | USA | en-US |
German | Germany | de-DE |
First name
person.firstName(options: FirstNameOptions = {}): string
Generate a random first name (gender will be picked randomly)
// "Laura"
Generate a random male first name
mw.person.firstName({ gender: "male" });
// "John"
Generate a random female first name
mw.person.firstName({ gender: "female" });
// "Sarah"
Last name
person.lastName(): string
Generate a random last name
// "Spencer"
Full name
person.fullName(options: FullNameOptions = {}): string
Generate a random full name (gender will be picked randomly)
// "Melyssa Wilkinson"
Generate a random male full name
mw.person.fullName({ gender: "male" });
// "John Rice"
Generate a random female full name
mw.person.fullName({ gender: "female" });
// "Sarah Carter"
Generate a random full name with suffix
mw.person.fullName({ includeSuffix: true });
// "Anton Jackson Sr."
Generate a random full name with salutation
mw.person.fullName({ includeSalutation: true });
// "Dr. Melyssa Wilkinson"
person.suffix(): string
Generate a random suffix
// "Jr."
person.salutation(options: SalutationOptions = {}): string
Generate a random salutation (no gender specific)
// "Prof."
Generate a random male salutation
mw.person.salutation({ gender: "male" });
// "Mr."
Generate a random female salutation
mw.person.salutation({ gender: "female" });
// "Ms."
uuid.generate(): string
Generate a random uuid
// "db4bd5d9-4cc1-44ef-bdaf-809ebac8003c"
text.word(): string
Generate a random word
// "dolor"
text.words(options: WordsOptions = {}): string[] | string
Generate multiple random words (by default 3)
// [ "dolor", "officia", "nulla" ]
Generate random words as a single string
mw.text.words({ asString: true });
// "dolor officia nulla"
Generate a specific number of random words
mw.text.words({ words: 6 });
// [ "dolor", "officia", "nulla", "aliquip", "ipsa", "molestias" ]
text.sentence(options: SentenceOptions = {}): string[] | string
Generate a random sentence (by default 3 - 15 words)
// [ "Dolor", "ipsa", "nulla." ]
Generate a random sentence as a single string
mw.text.sentence({ asString: true });
// "Rhoncus reprehenderit interdum acilisis nisi atque laboris dignissimos."
Generate a random sentence with a specific number of words
mw.text.sentence({ words: 5 });
// [ "Officia", "nulla", "aliquip", "ipsa", "molestias." ]
text.sentences(options: SentencesOptions = {}): string[] | string
Generate multiple random sentences (by default 3)
// [ "Tristique vestibulum accusantium urna architecto.", "Deleniti congue rhoncus.", "Voluptatum veritatis tempor adipiscing laboris qui." ]
Generate a mulitple random sentences as a single string
mw.text.sentences({ asString: true });
// "Tristique vestibulum accusantium urna architecto. Deleniti congue rhoncus. Voluptatum veritatis tempor adipiscing laboris qui."
Generate any number of random sentences
mw.text.sentences({ sentences: 2 });
// [ "Tristique vestibulum accusantium urna architecto.", "Deleniti congue rhoncus." ]
Generate multiple random sentences with a specific number of words for each sentence (by default 3 - 15)
mw.text.sentences({ words: 6 });
// [ "Similique ipsa do omnis eros nulla.", "Nibh in culpa aut aliquet cupiditate.", "Lacus scelerisque quisque dictum corrupti officia." ]
text.paragraphs(options: ParagraphsOptions = {}): string[] | string
Generate multiple random paragraphs (by default 3)
"Enim mauris cillum maecenas voluptate porta sagittis bibendum. Sapien sit viverra praesentium vestibulum dolor.",
"Mauris mollitia quisque bibendum. Officia lorem nostrud. Ipsa varius aenean vitae et dui veritatis porttitor curabitur qui.",
"Maecenas purus sint rhoncus adipiscing nec curabitur qui id occaecati. Sunt pretium id mollit doloremque excepturi. Integer felis magna provident bibendum qui."
Generate multiple random paragraphs as a single string
mw.text.paragraphs({ asString: true });
Enim mauris cillum maecenas voluptate porta sagittis bibendum. Et sagittis mollitia aliqua. Sapien sit viverra praesentium vestibulum dolor.
Deserunt turpis aliquet aliquip lobortis eleifend do fringilla turpis. Maximus praesentium ullamco non sapien porta. Est augue cupiditate dignissimos nulla.
Maecenas purus sint rhoncus adipiscing nec curabitur qui id occaecati. Sunt pretium id mollit doloremque excepturi. Integer felis magna provident bibendum qui.
Generate any number of random paragraphs
mw.text.paragraphs({ paragraphs: 5 });
"Enim mauris cillum maecenas voluptate porta sagittis bibendum. Et sagittis mollitia aliqua. Sapien sit viverra praesentium vestibulum dolor.",
"Mauris mollitia quisque bibendum. Officia lorem nostrud. Ipsa varius aenean vitae et dui veritatis porttitor curabitur qui.",
"Maecenas purus sint rhoncus adipiscing nec curabitur qui id occaecati. Sunt pretium id mollit doloremque excepturi. Integer felis magna provident bibendum qui.",
"Fugiat non lobortis morbi quam dolor. Lobortis posuere commodo diam corrupti quis. Fringilla tempor gravida iaculit dignissim nibh maecenas scelerisque.",
"Doloremque aute quos in qui metus aute minim nec cupidatat tortor architecto iaculit error eaque. Nulla tristique ut. Velit tempus velit quam."
Generate multiple paragraphs with a specific number of sentences for each paragraph (by default 3 - 8)
mw.text.paragraphs({ sentences: 2 });
"Et sagittis mollitia aliqua. Sapien sit viverra praesentium vestibulum dolor.",
"Officia lorem nostrud. Ipsa varius aenean vitae et dui veritatis porttitor curabitur qui.",
"Maecenas purus sint rhoncus adipiscing nec curabitur qui id occaecati. Sunt pretium id mollit doloremque excepturi."
Generate multiple paragraphs with a specific number of words for each sentence (by default 3 - 15)
mw.text.paragraphs({ words: 4 });
"Enim mauris cillum bibendum. Et sagittis mollitia aliqua. Sapien sit viverra vestibulum.",
"Mauris mollitia quisque bibendum. Officia lorem nostrud enim. Ipsa varius curabitur qui.",
"Maecenas purus curabitur occaecati. Sunt pretium id excepturi. Integer provident bibendum qui."
internet.password(options: PasswordOptions = {}): string
Generate a random password (includes lowercase and uppercase letters, symbols and numbers by default)
// "Z6Vrc<!3e^"
Only include lowercase letters
mw.internet.password({ includeLowercase: true });
// "jpozlphted"
Only include uppercase letters
mw.internet.password({ includeUppercase: true });
Only include symbols
mw.internet.password({ includeSymbols: true });
// "!?>&/,<@&;"
Only include numbers
mw.internet.password({ includeNumbers: true });
// "2408014800
Specify a certain length between 6 and 120 (10 by default)
mw.internet.password({ length: 16 });
// "5HpNxF$VYd&W-^Il"
Combine options (Example)
mw.internet.password({ includeUppercase: true, length: 32, includeLowercase: true, includeNumbers: true });
// "TAJxCaZzIgUftNy73vw2vZFyps4z9DKb"
MAC address
internet.macAddress(): string
Generate a random MAC address
// "ad:31:2e:04:5c:da"
internet.ipv4(options: IpOptions = {}): string
Generate a random IPv4 address
// ""
Generate a local IPv4 address
mw.internet.ipv4({ isLocal: true });
// ""
internet.ipv6(options: IpOptions = {}): string
Generate a random IPv6 address
// "5839:e415:e800:7ce3:990d:5880:56ae:4282"
Generate a local IPv6 address
mw.internet.ipv6({ isLocal: true });
// "fe80:df7c:e94a:16b9:95bb:287a:dcf3:c12b"
internet.slug(options: SlugOptions = {}): string
Generate a random slug
// "purus-augue-lorem"
Specify the length between 1 and 10 (3 by default)
mw.internet.slug({ length: 5 });
// "ornare-iaculit-morbi-pariatur-massa"
internet.domain(options: DomainOptions = {}): string
// Generate a random domain
// "dictum.com"
Specify the Top Level Domain (by default "com")
mw.internet.domain({ tld: "net" });
// "scelerisque.net"
internet.url(options: UrlOptions = {}): string
Generate a random URL
// "www.tristique.com"
Specify the Top Level Domain (by default "com")
mw.internet.url({ tld: "io" });
// "www.mollitia.io"
Include SSL
mw.internet.url({ includeSSL: true });
// "https://www.tempor.com"
Include a random slug
mw.internet.url({ includeSlug: true });
// "www.lobortis.com/voluptatum-sollicitudin-rhoncus"
Combine options
mw.internet.url({ includeSlug: true, includeSSL: true, tld: "biz" });
// "https://www.velit.biz/mollitia-gravida-aperiam"
internet.userName(options: UserNameOptions = {}): string
Generate a random username
// "Stefan_Will_39"
Specify a first name that should be included
mw.internet.userName({ firstName: "John" });
// "John_Schuster_12"
Specify a last name that should be included
mw.internet.userName({ lastName: "Miller" });
// "Ottilie_Miller_97"
Generate an anonymous username
mw.internet.userName({ isAnonymous: true });
// "ByteBattler51"
Email address
internet.email(options: EmailOptions = {}): string
Generate a random email address
// "myra_funk_18@example.com"
Specify the provider (by default "example.com")
mw.internet.email({ provider: "gmail.com" });
// "kendrick_toy_29@gmail.com"
Specify the username (same options as for "userName" function)
mw.internet.email({ userName: { firstName: "Sarah", lastName: "Johnson" } });
// "sarah_johnson_55@example.com"
data.digit(options: DigitOptions = {}): number
Generate a random digit between 0 and 9
// 3
Generate a random digit between 1 and 9 (exclude 0)
mw.data({ notNull: true });
// 8
data.integer(options: IntegerOptions = {}): number
Generate a random integer
// 1873
Specify the amount of digits
mw.data.integer({ digitsCount: 5 });
// 87352
data.float(options: FloatOptions = {}): number
Generate a random float
// 32.94
*Specify the amount of integers (by default between 1 - 10)**
mw.data.float({ integersCount: 2 });
// 44.56783
Specify the amount of decimals (by default 1 - 5)
mw.data.float({ decimalsCount: 3 });
// 2352.273
Combine options
mw.data.float({ integersCount: 3, decimalsCount: 2 });
// 142.22
Number Between
data.numberBetween(min: number, max: number, options: NumberBetweenOptions = {}): number
Generate a random number between 3 and 923 (by default an integer)
mw.data.numberBetween(3, 923);
// 832
Generate a random float between 7 and 20 (2 decimals)
mw.data.numberBetween(3, 20, { asFloat: true });
// 11.32
data.letter(options: LetterOptions = {}): string
Generate a random letter (not case-sensitive)
// "f"
Generate a random lowercase letter
mw.data.letter({ onlyLowercase: true });
// "s"
Generate a random uppercase letter
mw.data.letter({ onlyUppercase: true });
// "U"
Array Element
data.digit(array: any[]): any
// Generate one random element from a given Array
mw.data.arrayElement(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]);
// "d"
Array Elements
data.arrayElements(array: any[], options: ArrayElementsOptions = {}): any[]
Generate multiple unique elements from a given Array (by default 1)
mw.data.arrayElements(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]);
// ["f"]
Specify how many unique elements should be generated
mw.data.arrayElements(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"], { elementsCount: 4 });
// ["f", "a", "d", "e"]
When 'elementsCount' option is greater than the amount of unique elements, it returns all possible unique elements
mw.data.arrayElements(["a", "b", "b", "b", "c"], { elementsCount: 10 });
// ["a", "b", "c"]
mw.data.arrayElements(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"], { elementsCount: 25 });
// ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
Object Element
data.objectElement(object: {}, options: ObjectElementOptions = {}): any
Generate a random value from a given Object
mw.data.objectElement({ foo: "bar", hello: "world", num: 3 });
// "world"
Generate a random key from a given Object
mw.data.objectElement({ foo: "bar", hello: "world", num: 3 }, { returnKey: true });
// "num"
Object Elements
data.objectElements(object: {}, options: ObjectElementsOptions = {}): any[]
Generate multiple unique values from a given Object (by default 1)
mw.data.objectElements({ foo: "bar", hello: "world", num: 3 });
// ["world"]
Specify the amount of unique values that should be generated
mw.data.objectElements({ foo: "bar", hello: "world", num: 3 }, { elementsCount: 2 });
// ["world", 3]
Generate multiple unique keys from a given Object
mw.data.objectElements({ foo: "bar", hello: "world", num: 3 }, { returnKey: true });
// ["num"]
Specify the amount of unique keys that should be generated
mw.data.objectElements({ foo: "bar", hello: "world", num: 3 }, { elementsCount: 2, returnKey: true });
// ["foo", "num"]
location.state(options: StateOptions = {}): string
Generate a random state based on the provided locale
// "North Carolina"
Receive the abbreviation of the generated state
mw.location.state({ abbreviation: true });
// "NY"
location.city(): string
Generate a random city based on the provided locale
// "Boston"
location.country(): string
Generate a random country
// "France"
Country Code (ISO 3166-1)
location.countryCode(): string
Generate a random ISO 3166-1 country code
// "DE"
location.latitude({ options: CoordinatesOptions = {}}): number
Generate a random latitude
// -56.2351
Specify the lower bound (by default -90)
mw.location.latitude({ min: 45 });
// 77.4214
Specify the upper bound (by default 90)
mw.location.latitude({ max: 55 });
// 43.5241
Combine the options
mw.location.latitude({ min: -20.3482, max: 43.7628 });
// 12.3713
location.longitude({ options: CoordinatesOptions = {}}): number
Generate a random longitude
// 123.3124
Specify the lower bound (by default -180)
mw.location.longitude({ min: -100.5 });
// -88.4516
Specify the upper bound (by default 180)
mw.location.longitude({ max: 99.4124 });
// 78.6893
Combine the options
mw.location.longitude({ min: -7, max: 120.76 });
// -4.9982
location.coordinates(): Coordinates
Generate a random coordinates object
// { lat: 35.6932, lng: -42.9943 }
Zip Code
location.zipCode(): string
Generate a random zip code based on the provided locale
// "10001"
Street Name
location.streetName(): string
Generate a random street name based on the provided locale
// "Birch Street"
Full Address
location.fullAddress(): string
Generate a random full address based on the provided locale
- It contains street name, street number, zip code, city and state
- The formatting of the address is also based on the provided locale
// "355 Elm Street, Toledo, Ohio 43601"