Teamcity reporter which makes it possible to display test results in real-time, makes test information
available on the Tests tab of the Build Results page.
Version 4.x changes
- Breaking: Only supported on node.js 6 and above
- Breaking: Only Mocha version 6 and above is now supported
- Please remain on
if this is an issue
- Please remain on
- New reporter option
to skip reporting for hooks with title containing some word (@DJ-Glock) - Added postfix _hook for flowId for hooks to ensure flowIds will never intersect.
- Implement 'hook end' event (@DJ-GLock)
- General maintenance and tidy up (@DJ-Glock)
Mocha@6 notes
- recordHookFailures option may not work as intended as mocha6 is now doing this itself
- NodeJs 6+
- Mocha 6+
- Web Browser supporting ES5
To Install
In your project run a npm install command:
npm install mocha-teamcity-reporter --save-dev
Basically, have your project's package.json be like:
"devDependencies": {
"mocha-teamcity-reporter": ">=2.0.0"
Usage describes using third party reporters in mocha.
Then call mocha with:
mocha --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter test
Running In Browser
- Use
- Has option parsing stripped out for the moment
- Example use can be found in
- Custom log function can be set with window.customLogFunction
TeamCity flowId
Can set flowId like:
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options flowId=gobbledygook
Top-level suite name
Can set a top-level suite name, which will wrap all other suites.
This is useful for reading test output when running multiple suites in a single build
- Environment variable: MOCHA_TEAMCITY_TOP_LEVEL_SUITE=
- Reporter option: topLevelSuite=
log test failures with std error
To enable this please Please note this will probaly be made default in the next major version
- Environment variable: USE_STD_ERROR=true
- Reporter option: useStdError=true
Record hook failures
Record failures for hooks such as before/after etc Please note this will probably be made default in the next major version
- Environment variable: RECORD_HOOK_FAILURES=true
- Reporter option: recordHookFailures=true
Display Ignored tests as ignored
Display skip tests as ignored
- Environment variable: DISPLAY_IGNORED_AS_IGNORED=true
- Reporter option: displayIgnoredAsIgnored=true
Ignore hooks with title contains some text
This option should be used in pair with recordHookFailures. It allows you to skip reporting of hooks containing some word. Including root hooks.
- Environment variable: IGNORE_HOOK_WITH_NAME=HookNoReporting
- Reporter option: ignoreHookWithName=HookNoReporting
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options recordHookFailures --reporter-options ignoreHookWithName=HookNoReporting
For root hooks defined the following way:
exports.mochaHooks = () => {
return {
beforeEach: [
function beforeEachRootHookNoReporting() {
assert.strictEqual(1, 1);
afterEach: [
function afterEachRoot() {
assert.strictEqual(1, 1);
beforeEach hook beforeEachRootHookNoReporting() will not be reported as testStarted. But hook afterEachRoot() will be reported:
Show diff between expected and actual values
This will allow a hyperlink to appear to compare actual vs expected Please note this requires the error thrown in mocha to have the properties actual and expected. For example an assertionError has this
- Environment variable: ACTUAL_VS_EXPECTED=true
- Reporter option: actualVsExpected=true
This will be shown in teamcity like this:
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: 2 == 1
at Context.<anonymous> (test/test_data/simple.js:11:11)
======= Failed test run #10 ==========
Show diff between expected and actual values
Setting options
- Set with reporter-options:
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options topLevelSuite=top-level-suite-name
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options useStdError=true
mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter --reporter-options useStdError=true
- Set with environment variable
MOCHA_TEAMCITY_TOP_LEVEL_SUITE='top-level-suite-name' mocha test --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter
Multiple reporters
This is not supported out of the box by this plugin but have a look at the following:
- Using
- Or view for more details
View on live Teamcity
- Project can be viewed at Pubic Teamcity at Jetbrains mocha reporter
- Thanks to JetBrains for hosting
- Always Welcome
- Would prefer if customisation is added it is controlled via mocha options or environment variables
- Only requirement is for code to pass linting and functional tests
Run example test in project
mocha test/test_data/simple.js --reporter mocha-teamcity-reporter
or npm run test-teamcity-example
Reference Information