
0.2.6 • Public • Published / mmm-lang

The markup language for creating emails and pages in Mizmoz.

This is an early version and is likely to be subject to significant changes to the API - you've be warned!


  • mmm markup rendering to HTML for email and HTML for web
  • Components for creating layouts (Row, Column, Divider)



Block level row element which is a container for any number of Column components.

<!-- Simple single column layout -->
    <p>Hello world!</p>
attribute description default value [options]
background-color row background color #ffffff
center-on-mobile center the content on mobile true
content-width row width 600px
full-width is the row 100% iof the page false
padding column padding 0px
spacing position of column spacing none [none, inside, outside, both]
spacing-color column spacing color
spacing-width column spacing width 0px


Inline block element representing a column. Must be a child of Row.

By default the Row will calculate the column widths and pass them at render time.

<!-- Two column layout, each with 50% width -->
    <p>Hello world!</p>
    <p>Hello world!</p>
attribute description default value [options]
background-color background color row background color
center-on-mobile center the content on mobile true
padding column padding 0px
width column width 100%

The width can either be empty, in which case width = row width / number of columns

Fractions can also be used like width="1/4"


Block level container which helps to recreate the browser box model

<!-- Text with consistent padding and margins -->
<mmm-box padding="12px">
  <p>Hello world!</p>
  <p>Hello world!</p>
attribute description default value [options]
align box alignment initial
background-color background color
border-radius box border radius 0
margin box margin 0px
padding padding padding 0px
width width auto
height height auto


Block level button

<mmm-button background-color="blue" color="#ffffff" text="Click Here!" />
attribute description default value [options]
align button alignment center
background-color background color #5db734
border-radius box border radius 3px
box-shadow button drop shadow none [none, subtle, dark, css box-shadow: ...
color button color #ffffff
font-family font family for the button inherit
font-size font size 14px
margin margin 0px
padding padding 12px
width width auto
text button label Click me
url url
width button width auto


Block level divider which can be used as a horzontal rule or more often just as a spacer to achieve pixel perfect padding.

<mmm-divider color="blue" height="24px" />
attribute description default value [options]
color divider color #ffffff
margin margin 0px
height divider height 100%
width divider width 100%


Block level image element. All images are fluid by default with the width

  alt="Mizmoz logo"
attribute description default value [options]
align image alignment center
alt image alt tag
padding column padding 0px
src url to the image
url url to link to
height max height 100%
width max width 100%

Roadmap & Development

Phase 1

  • MMM parser
  • Rendering engine (the basic renderer)
  • Email HTML engine (for creating email HTML output)
  • Website HTML engine
Template Engine
  • Row container element for Column
  • Column component
  • Box container to recreate the browser box model consistently
  • Divider used to create spacing between elements

Rendering Order

  • Parse mmm > mmm-head > mmm-merge to make Merge tags available to the rest of the template
  • Parse and resolve all merge tags leaving in place any that don't resolve. This is so user.* & live.* tags aren't replaced
  • Render mmm > mmm-body > * components
  • Render mmm > mmm-head > * components
  • Inline CSS rules

Email Gotchas

  • p tags should be replaced with tables with all styles applied to the td element (Outlook 07,10,12)
  • replace margin with Margin
    <mmm-title>Welcome to my website</mmm-title>
    <mmm-send-date>2016-12-24 00:00:00</mmm-send-date>
    <mmm-merge name="user.firstname" value="Ian" />
    <mmm-merge name="" value="" />
    <mmm-merge name="styles" json='{fontFamily:"Source Sans Pro",spacing:12,primaryColor:"black",padding:"12px"}' />
    <mmm-merge name="styles.fontWeight" value="12" />
    <mmm-row width="100%" content-width="600px">
        Welcome {{user.firstname}} to this email!
        <ul mmm-repeatable="names">




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  • mizmoz