This component can be useful if you want to try an outlook proof adventure. The msobutton has exactly the same behaviours of the classic button but add three more attributes.
- mso-proof: boolean (default false)
- mso-width: px (200px)
- mso-height: px (40px)
More important, these 3 new attributes allow mjml to generate a bulletproof button with radius and stroke as you can see here, including the alignment.
supports basic CSS gradients, like these:
linear-gradient(90deg, #AABBCC 0%, #DDEEFF 100%)
radial-gradient(50% 50%, #AABBCC 0%, #DDEEFF 100%)
npm install mjml-msobutton
Problems that you should know
The outlook solution isn't really bulletproof.
- This cannot be used with an image in background
- It create a duplication of code in the HTML
- The width and the height cannot use the auto
Simply add these lines in your gulpfile before compile with mjml:
import { registerComponent } from 'mjml-core'
import MjMsoButton from 'mjml-msobutton'
Then in your mjml:
<mj-msobutton mso-proof="true">Click !</mj-msobutton>
Otherwise, you can find a sample project on github here