Mintbase API
General purpose Mintbase API for interacting with NEAR, Arweave and other supported blockchains and decentralized filestorage systems.
Table of Contents
$ npm install mintbase
Getting started
Initializing and Connecting Mintbase Wallet
- Acquire an API key in the
tab on Mintbase
import { Wallet, Chain, Network } from 'mintbase'
// Connect and fetch details
async function connect() {
const { data: walletData, error } = await new Wallet().init({
networkName: Network.testnet,
chain: Chain.near,
apiKey: API_KEY,
const { wallet, isConnected } = walletData
if (isConnected) {
const { data: details } = await wallet.details()
accountId: "qwerty.testnet"
allowance: "0.25"
balance: "365.77"
contractName: "mintbase13.testnet"
Here's an example of a button to connect to the wallet.
<Button onClick={() => wallet.connect({ requestSignIn: true })}>Login</Button>
To see all available methods, their parameters and return values, check out the Wallet module type documentation
This is a good place to continue exploring after trying out the examples or if you're looking for a specific functionality.
You can also take a look at the API module type documentation for methods pertaining to the retrieval of mintbase data.
Bootstrap your app with Create Mintbase App (React + Typescript)
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