
0.0.2 • Public • Published


Simple client to send notifications through SMS and other means.

The client currently supports sending notifications through the following:

The option of using the MqttSMSBridge server is nice because access control is handled by limiting access to the mqtt server. This means you don't need to have SMS provider information (ex Twilio auth info) deployed with your application. It also means you can centralize control over how you get notifications. For example, if you want to change the number to which notificaitons are sent, you only have to change the configuration for the bridge as opposed to having to reconfigure all applications that send notifications.


To send a notification simply call sendNotification. For example:

notify.sendNotification(config, message);


  • config - an object with the configuration elements as specified in the configuration setion.
  • message - a string with the message to be sent.


Configuration for the notify client is done through a notify element within the configuration object. That element can optionally include the following provider elements:

  • mqttSmsBridge
  • voipms
  • twilio

If an element is absent, then that provider is not used for notifications. If the element is present then it should have a field called enabled. If the value for this field is true then a notification will be sent using that provider.

The options for each of the provider elements are:

  • mqttSmsBridge

    • enabled - set to true if you want notifications to be sent using this provider.
    • serverUrl - url for the mqtt server to which the bridge is connected.
    • topic - topic on which the bridge listens for notification requests.
    • certs - directory which contains the keys/certs required to connect to the mqtt server if the url is of type mqtts.
  • voipms

    • enabled - set to true if you want notifications to be sent using this provider.
    • user - voip.ms API userid.
    • password - voip.ms API password.
    • did - voip.ms did(number) from which the SMS will be sent.
    • dst - number to which the SMS will be sent.
  • twilio

    • enabled - set to true if you want notifications to be sent using this provider.
    • accountSID - twilio account ID.
    • accountAuthToken - twilio auth token.
    • toNumber - number to which the SMS will be sent.
    • fromNumber - number from which the SMS will be sent.

An example of a json file that can be read in to make the configuration object (with the sensitive bits masked):

  "notify": {
    "mqttSmsBridge": { "enabled": true,
                       "serverUrl": "mqtts:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:8883",
                       "topic": "house/sms",
                       "certs": "certs-outside" },
    "voipms": { "enabled": false,
                "user": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
                "password": "xxxxxxxx",
                "did": "xxxxxxxxxx",
                "dst": "xxxxxxxxxx" },
    "twilio": { "enabled": false,
                "accountSID": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "accountAuthToken": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "toNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXX" ,
                "fromNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX" }


Install by running:

npm install micro-app-notify-client


npm install https://github.com/mhdawson/micro-app-notify-client.git



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  • mhdawson1