**This is a special version, remove the edit function, and add Chinese;
Vuefinder is a file manager component for Vue.js version 3
npm i miao-vuefinder
JS entry point (it can be index.js or main.js)
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import 'miao-vuefinder/dist/style.css'
import VueFinder from 'miao-vuefinder/dist/vuefinder'
const app = createApp(App)
<vue-finder id='my_vuefinder' url="http://vuefinder-php.test"></vue-finder>
Prop | Value | Default | Description |
id | string | null | required |
url | string | null | required - dir url |
api | string | null | required - backend api url |
token | string | null | required - backend api x-Token |
locale | string | en | optional - default language code |
dark | boolean | false | optional - makes theme dark as default |
max-file-size | string | 10mb | optional - client side max file upload |
post-data | object | {} | optional - custom post data |
full-screen | boolean | false | optional - makes full-screen as default |
- Multi adapter/storage (see https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem)
- File and folder operations
- Create a new file
- Create a new folder
- Rename
- Delete
- Archive (zip)
- Unarchive (unzip)
- Text editing
- Image Crop Tool
- Upload / Download files
- Search (deep based on current folder)
- Nice UI
- Context Menu
- Breadcrumb links
- Toolbar
- File explorer
- Status bar
- Image thumbnails
- Toast notifications
- Appearance
- Multi language
- Full Screen
- View Modes: list, grid
- Dark Mode
- Accessibility
- Drag & drop support
- Move items (to a folder or up one folder) with drag and drop
- Mouse selection
- [ ] code refactoring (cleanup the duplications, make reusable components)
- [ ] restyle the modals
- [ ] add more languages (only en/tr/ru at the moment. PRs are welcomed.)
- [ ] copy/move to a folder (modal, treeview)
- [ ] transfer items between filesystem adapters
- [ ] show/hide components (toolbar/statusbar etc.)
- [ ] emit select event, with @select get selected files for online editors like tinymce/ckeditor
- [ ] drag&drop on folders at address bar
- [ ] update DragSelect plugin for using its dropzone support
- Vue3
- Cropperjs : JavaScript image cropper
- DragSelect : Selection utility
- Plupload : Upload library
- vanilla-lazyload : lazy loading for thumbnails
Copyright (c) 2023 MiaoDa, released under the MIT license