Converting any measuring unit to any unit
Sometimes you want to convert hours to seconds. Something you want to know how many weeks are in a decade. And sometimes, you want to know how many blinks of an eye are in a day...
npm install mezur --save
Usage example
const time = time // 18000time // 521.4285714285714
Also exposes the timeunit methods directly
const hours minutes = // 0.125 // 1
Also possible is .asHours()
or .toHours()
same for
There are other unit conversion packages, what gives?
Some of the other packages only give you partial conversions (i.e. minutes to seconds) without anything else. Some are great, but are not complete, so you need several packages to "collect the whole set" Some are more "complete" but without an easy way to add more units.
Building this is with intent to provide as much flexibility and extendability as possibly while keeping
an easy-on-the-eyes usage, since you want to an easy and reliable API when converting, so it won't get in the way
of your other important code. I believe that hours(5).inSeconds()
do just that (to as much as javascript can give)
Supported Conversions
name | symbol | value |
centigal | cgal | 0.0001mpsps |
centigalileo | cgali | 0.0001mpsps |
centimeterPerSecPerSec | cmpsps | 0.01mpsps |
feetPerHourPerHour | ftphph | 0.00000002351852mpsps |
feetPerHourPerMin | fphpmin | 0.000001411mpsps |
feetPerHourSec | fphps | 0.000084667mpsps |
feetPerMinPerMin | ftpmpm | 0.000084667mpsps |
feetPerMinutePerSec | fpmps | 0.00508mpsps |
feetPerSecPerSec | ftpsps | 0.3048mpsps |
gUnits | gu | 9.80665mpsps |
gal | gal | 0.01mpsps |
galileo | gali | 0.01mpsps |
gravity | g | 9.80665mpsps |
inchPerHourPerHour | inphph | 0.000000001959877mpsps |
inchPerHourPerMin | iphpm | 0.0000001175926mpsps |
inchPerHourPerSecond | iphps | 0.000007055556mpsps |
inchPerMinPerMin | inpmpm | 0.000007055556mpsps |
inchPerMinPerSec | ipmps | 0.000423333mpsps |
inchPerSecPerSec | inpsps | 0.0254mpsps |
kilogal | kgal | 10mpsps |
kilogalileo | kgali | 10mpsps |
kilometerPerSecPerSec | kmpsps | 1000mpsps |
knotsPerHour | knphph | 0.0001429012mpsps |
knotsPerMillisec | knpmspms | 514.444444444444mpsps |
knotsPerMin | knpmpm | 0.00857407407407407mpsps |
knotsPerSec | knpsps | 0.514444444444444mpsps |
metersPerHourPerHour | mphph | 0.00000007716049mpsps |
metersPerMinPerMin | mpmpm | 0.000277778mpsps |
metersPerSecPerSec | mpsps | 1 |
milePerHourPerHour | miphph | 0.000124178mpsps |
milesPerMinPerMin | mipmpm | 0.44704mpsps |
milesPerSecPerSec | mipsps | 1609.344mpsps |
milligal | mgal | 0.00001mpsps |
milligalileo | mgali | 0.00001mpsps |
millimeterPerSecPerSec | mmpsps | 0.001mpsps |
name | symbol | value |
arcMinute | arcmin | 1deg / 60 |
arcSecond | arcsec | 1deg / 3600 |
degree | deg | 1 |
gradian | grad | 0.9deg |
hourAngle | hrang | 15deg |
milliradian | mrad | 0.001rad |
quadrant | qd | 90deg |
radian | rad | 1deg * 180/3.141592653589793 |
sextant | sxt | 60deg |
turn | tr | 360deg |
name | symbol | value |
acre | acre | 4046.856430051sqm |
are | a | 100sqm |
cent | cn | 40.468564301sqm |
centiare | ca | 0.1sqm |
decare | daa | 100sqm |
deciare | da | 10sqm |
hectare | ha | 10000 |
squareFeet | sqft | 0.092903035sqm |
squareInch | sqin | 0.00064516sqm |
squareKilometer | sqkm | 1000000sqm |
squareMeter | sqm | 1 |
squareYard | sqy | .836127392sqm |
name | symbol | value |
centimeter | cm | 0.01m |
feet | ft | 12in |
inch | in | 0.0254m |
kilometer | km | 1000m |
meter | m | 1 |
micrometer | mcm | 0.001mm |
mile | ml | 1.609344km |
millimeter | mm | 0.01cm |
nanometer | nm | 0.001mcm |
nauticalMile | nml | 1.852km |
yard | yard | 0.9144m |
name | symbol | value |
carat | ct | 0.2g |
grain | gr | 0.06479891g |
gram | g | 1 |
imperialTon | impT | 1016.05kg |
jin | jin | 0.002g |
kilogram | kg | 1000g |
microgram | mcg | 0.000001g |
milligram | mg | 0.001g |
ounce | oz | 28.349523125g |
pound | lb | 453.59237g |
stone | st | 6.35029318kg |
ton | T | 1000000g |
usTon | usT | 907.18474kg |
name | symbol | value |
atmosphere | atm | 1.01325000bar |
bar | bar | 1 |
pascal | pas | 0.00001bar |
psi | psi | 0.06894757293bar |
torr | tr | 0.001333223684bar |
name | symbol | value |
Celsius | C | 1K + 273.15 |
Delisle | D | (1K - 373.15) * (-3 / 2) |
Fahrenheit | F | (1K * 9 / 5) - 459.67 |
Kelvin | K | 1 |
Newton | N | (1K - 273.15) * 33 / 100 |
Rankine | R | 1K * 9 / 5 |
name | symbol | value |
century | C | 10D |
day | d | 24h |
decade | D | 10Y |
gigasecond | Gs | 31Y + 287d |
hectosecond | hs | 1m + 40s |
hour | h | 60m |
killosecond | ks | 16m + 40s |
megasecond | Ms | 11d + 13h + 46m + 40s |
millisecond | ms | 0.001s |
minute | m | 60s |
month | M | 31d |
second | s | 1 |
terasecond | Ts | 31600Y |
week | w | 7d |
year | Y | 365d |
Development setup
yarn installyarn test
How to extend Mezur?
Let's say you now landed on Mars, and obviously everything is in javascript because only hipsters live on Mars.
const marsUnits = name: 'martianDay' // or sol symbol: 'marsd' value: '24h + 39m + 35.244s' name: 'martianYear' symbol: 'marsY' value: '668.5991marsd' const timeUnits = // note that angles is a js file, so PI calculates will be accurate const marsTime = timeUnits marsTime // 668.5991marsTime // 59355048.240680404
Release History
Guy Israeli – @isguyra
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.
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git checkout -b feature/fooBar
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git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
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git push origin feature/fooBar
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