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Converting any measuring unit to any unit

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Sometimes you want to convert hours to seconds. Something you want to know how many weeks are in a decade. And sometimes, you want to know how many blinks of an eye are in a day...


npm install mezur --save

Usage example

const time = require('mezur/time')
time.hours(5).inSeconds() // 18000
time.decades(1).inWeeks() // 521.4285714285714

Also exposes the timeunit methods directly

const { hours, minutes } = require('mezur/time')
hours(3).inDays() // 0.125
minutes(60).inHours() // 1

Also possible is .asHours() or .toHours()

same for


There are other unit conversion packages, what gives?

Some of the other packages only give you partial conversions (i.e. minutes to seconds) without anything else. Some are great, but are not complete, so you need several packages to "collect the whole set" Some are more "complete" but without an easy way to add more units.

Building this is with intent to provide as much flexibility and extendability as possibly while keeping an easy-on-the-eyes usage, since you want to an easy and reliable API when converting, so it won't get in the way of your other important code. I believe that hours(5).inSeconds() do just that (to as much as javascript can give)

Supported Conversions


name symbol value
centigal cgal 0.0001mpsps
centigalileo cgali 0.0001mpsps
centimeterPerSecPerSec cmpsps 0.01mpsps
feetPerHourPerHour ftphph 0.00000002351852mpsps
feetPerHourPerMin fphpmin 0.000001411mpsps
feetPerHourSec fphps 0.000084667mpsps
feetPerMinPerMin ftpmpm 0.000084667mpsps
feetPerMinutePerSec fpmps 0.00508mpsps
feetPerSecPerSec ftpsps 0.3048mpsps
gUnits gu 9.80665mpsps
gal gal 0.01mpsps
galileo gali 0.01mpsps
gravity g 9.80665mpsps
inchPerHourPerHour inphph 0.000000001959877mpsps
inchPerHourPerMin iphpm 0.0000001175926mpsps
inchPerHourPerSecond iphps 0.000007055556mpsps
inchPerMinPerMin inpmpm 0.000007055556mpsps
inchPerMinPerSec ipmps 0.000423333mpsps
inchPerSecPerSec inpsps 0.0254mpsps
kilogal kgal 10mpsps
kilogalileo kgali 10mpsps
kilometerPerSecPerSec kmpsps 1000mpsps
knotsPerHour knphph 0.0001429012mpsps
knotsPerMillisec knpmspms 514.444444444444mpsps
knotsPerMin knpmpm 0.00857407407407407mpsps
knotsPerSec knpsps 0.514444444444444mpsps
metersPerHourPerHour mphph 0.00000007716049mpsps
metersPerMinPerMin mpmpm 0.000277778mpsps
metersPerSecPerSec mpsps 1
milePerHourPerHour miphph 0.000124178mpsps
milesPerMinPerMin mipmpm 0.44704mpsps
milesPerSecPerSec mipsps 1609.344mpsps
milligal mgal 0.00001mpsps
milligalileo mgali 0.00001mpsps
millimeterPerSecPerSec mmpsps 0.001mpsps


name symbol value
arcMinute arcmin 1deg / 60
arcSecond arcsec 1deg / 3600
degree deg 1
gradian grad 0.9deg
hourAngle hrang 15deg
milliradian mrad 0.001rad
quadrant qd 90deg
radian rad 1deg * 180/3.141592653589793
sextant sxt 60deg
turn tr 360deg


name symbol value
acre acre 4046.856430051sqm
are a 100sqm
cent cn 40.468564301sqm
centiare ca 0.1sqm
decare daa 100sqm
deciare da 10sqm
hectare ha 10000
squareFeet sqft 0.092903035sqm
squareInch sqin 0.00064516sqm
squareKilometer sqkm 1000000sqm
squareMeter sqm 1
squareYard sqy .836127392sqm


name symbol value
centimeter cm 0.01m
feet ft 12in
inch in 0.0254m
kilometer km 1000m
meter m 1
micrometer mcm 0.001mm
mile ml 1.609344km
millimeter mm 0.01cm
nanometer nm 0.001mcm
nauticalMile nml 1.852km
yard yard 0.9144m


name symbol value
carat ct 0.2g
grain gr 0.06479891g
gram g 1
imperialTon impT 1016.05kg
jin jin 0.002g
kilogram kg 1000g
microgram mcg 0.000001g
milligram mg 0.001g
ounce oz 28.349523125g
pound lb 453.59237g
stone st 6.35029318kg
ton T 1000000g
usTon usT 907.18474kg


name symbol value
atmosphere atm 1.01325000bar
bar bar 1
pascal pas 0.00001bar
psi psi 0.06894757293bar
torr tr 0.001333223684bar


name symbol value
Celsius C 1K + 273.15
Delisle D (1K - 373.15) * (-3 / 2)
Fahrenheit F (1K * 9 / 5) - 459.67
Kelvin K 1
Newton N (1K - 273.15) * 33 / 100
Rankine R 1K * 9 / 5


name symbol value
century C 10D
day d 24h
decade D 10Y
gigasecond Gs 31Y + 287d
hectosecond hs 1m + 40s
hour h 60m
killosecond ks 16m + 40s
megasecond Ms 11d + 13h + 46m + 40s
millisecond ms 0.001s
minute m 60s
month M 31d
second s 1
terasecond Ts 31600Y
week w 7d
year Y 365d

Development setup

yarn install
yarn test

How to extend Mezur?

Let's say you now landed on Mars, and obviously everything is in javascript because only hipsters live on Mars.

const marsUnits = [
    name: 'martianDay', // or sol
    symbol: 'marsd',
    value: '24h + 39m + 35.244s'
    name: 'martianYear',
    symbol: 'marsY',
    value: '668.5991marsd'
const timeUnits = require('./units/time.json') // note that angles is a js file, so PI calculates will be accurate
const marsTime = require('mezur')(timeUnits.concat(marsUnits))
marsTime.martianYears(1).inMartianDays() // 668.5991
marsTime.martianYears(1).inSeconds() // 59355048.240680404

Release History



Guy Israeli – @isguyra

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

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  • guyisra