This readme is written by the author of this package amanuel
It is recommended that you don't install this locally but instead use npx, as it insures that you are on the latest version.
$ npx mega-pkg create_app
$ mega-pkg --help
$ mega-pkg create_app create a new mega mini app
$ mega-pkg pkg install all the dependencies in your project
$ mega-pkg pkg <foo> add the <foo> dependency to your project
$ mega-pkg start start the mini app server
$ mega-pkg unpkg <foo> remove the <foo> dependency from your project
$ mega-pkg debug provides a more detailed debug log for an already running miniapp
$ mega-pkg bundle generate a bundle file of your mini-app
$ mega-pkg pkg create-app
Enter your app's name ?
Note: to use npx mega-pkg debug
you need to be debugging on a device connected via a usb cable or an emulator and you need to have adb installed on you computer and allow debugging on your android device.
More information
For more information about mega and how it works you can take a look at the documentation.