mbsprite: Command line utilities for Mapbox sprites
This tool lets you create a Mapbox GL spritesheet from a number of PNGs. You can also disassemble a Mapbox spritesheet into its component pngs. It supports both @1x and @2x icons.
Unlike sprite-zero, which works on SVGs, this only works on PNGs.
mbsprite explode
To explode all the icons from a Mapbox sprite sheet into icons
and icons@2x
node mbsprite explode https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/light-v9/sprite?access_token=pk.eyYOURACCESSTOKEN icons
mbsprite bundle
To bundle all the icons back into a sprite sheet in sprite/sprite.json
, sprite/sprite.png
, sprite/sprite@2x.json
and sprite/sprite@2x.png
node mbsprite bundle sprite icons icons@2x
Merging spritesheets
To merge two spritesheets together, simply explode two sprite sheets into the same directory, then bundle.
Usage with npx
If you have npx
installed, you can simply run:
npx mbsprite <args...>
Using with Figma
To generate a spritesheet from icons in Figma, see the instructions in Figmasset-export.