This is project forked from mathlive project
- Ability to make macro like a digit. It can replace by placeholder
- Fix bug: Frac line not expand to full width.
- Comment the line
fracLine.width = Math.max(numerBox.width, denomBox.width);
in genfrac.ts file - Comment the line
this.width = rows.reduce((acc, row) => Math.max(acc, row.width), 0)
in v-box.ts file
- Remove soundsDirectory and fontsDirectory and Plonk sounds
- Now marcos function can define a mapping value for arguments. It use to replace value of input args to new value to
display in view.
Example:\mf.current!.macros = {!.macros, conversion: { args: 1, def: '\\mathbf{#1}', isImplicitArg: true, argsMapping: { value: 'newValueToDisplay' } }, };
- Change scroll into caret behavior to "smooth". executeCommand "move" type now can auto scroll into caret.
- Add scroll commands. using
executeCommand(['scroll', distance])
orexecuteCommand(['scrollTo', {left: 10, behavior: 'smooth'}])
- Define more default macros for support Calce
- Default mathfield focus function will run with preventFocus = true Changed in mathfield-private.ts
focus(options: FocusOptions | undefined = {preventScroll: true})
Add scrollIntoCaret option in InsertOptions. This make sure the caret is always visible in input view npm
Add custom document event
to notify that MathfieldElement global separator changed.Example:
document.addEventListener("mathlive-update-separator", (event) => { // handler })
Ignore import warming in nextjs project
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { webpack: config => { config.ignoreWarnings = [ { module: /src\/app\/component\/MathLiveComponent\.tsx/ }, ]; return config; } }; export default nextConfig;