It's a framework that extends Marionette and add a lot of new features, like:
- I18n
- Custom template engine (HAML coffee by default)
- Base classes to extend from
- Template helpers
npm install marionettist --save
Marionettist depends on a lot of awesome libraries, like:
- numeral (Formatting and manipulating numbers)
- moment (Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript)
- moment-range (Fancy date ranges for Moment.js)
- i18next (Internationalization)
- underscore-contrib (Extra utilities for underscore)
- underscore.string (Extra utilities for underscore)
- backbone-associations (Model relationships)
- Backbone.Mutators (Override models getters and setters with logic)
- backbone.stickit (Data bindings)
V3: Documentation
V2: Documentation
V1: Documentation