Welcome to makeicon
Automate the creation of icons for your mobile applications
💻 Usage
npx makeicon
tired of making icons of each type of mobile? me too
✅ To Do
- [ ] Automated testing
- [ ] SplashScreen generator
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
- Make a fork;
- Create a branck with your feature:
git checkout -b my-feature
; - Commit changes:
git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
; - Make a push to your branch:
git push origin my-feature
After merging your receipt request to done, you can delete a branch from yours.
🛠 Show your support
Give a
📝 License
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.
🙋 Author
- Website: http://godrix.github.io/
- Twitter: @godrizilla
- Github: @godrix
- LinkedIn: @carlosgodri
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