A dead simple Mailchimp API v3 wrapper in JS.
This can be installed via npm using:
$ npm install mailchimp-api-js
Then require the module in your code:
const Mailchimp = ; // or ES6 import;
Initialize by passing the Mailchimp API key and username:
const mc = 'your-username' 'your-mailchimp-api-key';
API Examples
Create a list
const listId = 'f88e932bf4';const body = name: 'The Taj Mahal' contact: company: 'Visionary Monkey' address: '580 Howard St.' city: 'San Francisco' zip: '94011' country: 'US' permission_reminder: 'You are getting this email because you are awesome.' campaign_defaults: from_name: 'Calvin Chan' from_email: '' subject: 'Newsletter' language: 'English' email_type_option: false; mclists ;