Madrone is an easy way to make reactive objects in JS.
// npm
npm install madronejs --save
// pnpm
pnpm install madronejs
// yarn
yarn add madronejs
import Madrone, { MadroneState } from 'madronejs'
// add reactivity integration
// MadroneVue2, and MadroneVue3 are also available
const PersonFactory = ({ name } = {}) => Madrone.auto({
// When using reactivity integration, getters become cached computeds
// that only get recomputed when a reactive data property changes.
// In this case, `name` is a reactive data property.
get greeting() {
return `Hi, I'm ${this.name}`
const person = PersonFactory({ name: 'Greg' });
const newVals = [];
const oldVals = [];
// Watch a reactive property when it changes. Any reactive property accessed
// in the first argument will cause the watcher callback to trigger. Anything
// returned from the first argument will define what the newVal/oldVal is.
Madrone.watch(() => person.greeting, (newVal, oldVal) => {
person.name; // Greg
person.greeting; // Hi, I'm Greg
person.name = 'Not Greg';
person.greeting; // Hi, I'm Not Greg
// watcher is async...
console.log('New Vals:', newVals); // ["Hi, I'm Not Greg"]
console.log('Old Vals:', oldVals); // ["Hi, I'm Greg"]
import Madrone, { MadroneState, computed, reactive } from 'madronejs'
class Person {
@reactive name: string;
@reactive age;
@computed get greeting() {
return `Hi, I'm ${this.name}`;
constructor(options) {
this.name = options?.name;
this.age = options?.age;
const person = new Person({ name: 'Greg' });
person.name; // Greg
person.greeting; // Hi, I'm Greg
person.name = 'Not Greg';
person.greeting; // Hi, I'm Not Greg