M-Ary Tree
An implementation of an m-ary tree in TypeScript.
yarn add m-ary-tree
npm install m-ary-tree
For detailed use see the API Documentation
import { Tree } from 'm-ary-tree';
const tree = new Tree(0);
tree.insert(0, 1);
tree.insert(0, 2);
Each node inserted should have a unique key. Values are optional.
import { Tree } from 'm-ary-tree';
const tree = new Tree(0);
tree.insert(0, 1) // node with key 1 and no data
tree.insert(0, 2, 'foo') // node with key 2 and data foo
Binary / Ternary Trees
Use maxChildren
option to limit child nodes, thus producing binary or ternary trees etc.
const tree = new Tree(1, null, {
maxChildren: 2,
All traversals are implemented as generators.
for (const node of tree.postOrderTraversal()) {
// ...
Generic Types
TypeScript generics are supported:
type MyNodeType = string
const tree = new Tree<number, MyNodeType>(0, 'foo');
console.log(tree.data) // 'foo'
This library was created while experimenting with tree drawing algorithms.
There are currently two positioning algorithms implemented:
- Node-Positioning Algorithm for General Trees by John Q. Walker
- Drawing Non-layered Tidy Trees in Linear Time by Atze van der Ploeg
Walker's Tree
In this implementation all nodes must be the same width and height.
import { calculateCoordinates } from 'm-ary-tree/dist/positioning-algorithms/Walker/calculateCoordinates';
import { Tree, preOrderTraversal } from 'm-ary-tree';
const tree = new Tree<number>(0);
tree.insert(0, 1);
tree.insert(0, 2);
tree.insert(0, 3);
calculateCoordinates(tree, {
nodeWidth: 50,
nodeHeight: 50,
nodeSpacingX: 100,
nodeSpacingY: 30,
const positionedTree = calculateCoordinates(tree);
for (const node of preOrderTraversal(positionedTree)) {
expect(typeof node.data.x).toBe('number')
expect(typeof node.data.y).toBe('number')
expect(typeof node.data.width).toBe('number')
expect(typeof node.data.height).toBe('number')
Ploeg's Tree
In this implementation all nodes can be different sizes.
import { calculateCoordinates } from 'm-ary-tree/dist/positioning-algorithms/Walker/calculateCoordinates';
import { Tree, preOrderTraversal } from 'm-ary-tree';
const tree = new Tree(0, {
width: 60,
height: 25,
tree.insert(0, 1, {
width: 50,
height: 20,
tree.insert(0, 2, {
width: 50,
height: 60,
const positionedTree = calculateCoordinates(tree, {
nodeSpacingX: 100,
nodeSpacingY: 30,
for (const node of preOrderTraversal(positionedTree)) {
expect(typeof node.data.x).toBe('number')
expect(typeof node.data.y).toBe('number')
expect(typeof node.data.width).toBe('number')
expect(typeof node.data.height).toBe('number')