Lucid is a stand-alone, zero-dependency, fast and lightweight library to highlight text and find matches.
npm i lucid-search --save
<script src=""></script>
Default (ES6)
import {
} from 'lucid-search';
const haystack = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
const needle = 'The dog';
const found = findMatches(haystack, needle);
mark: "<span class="matched">The</span> quick brown fox jumps over <span class="matched">the</span> lazy <span class="matched">dog</span>",
matches: (3) ["The", "the", "dog"]
With options (ES6)
import {
} from 'lucid-search';
const haystack = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
const needle = 'The dog';
Due to performance you need to pass in the whole options object with "el" and "cssClass"
const options = {
cssClass: 'found', // default is "marked"
el: 'mark', // default is "span"
const found = findMatches(haystack, needle, options);
mark: "<mark class="found">The</mark> quick brown fox jumps over <mark class="found">the</mark> lazy <mark class="found">dog</mark>",
matches: (3) ["The", "the", "dog"]
Default (CDN)
Same like with ES6, only with lucidSearch
// ...
const found = lucidSearch.findMatches(haystack, needle);
// ...
findMatches(haystack, needle, options)
- Use for plain strings without special characters like üöäè
- Demo
findMatchesHtml(haystack, needle, options)
- Use for plain strings and html strings without special characters like üöäè
- Demo
findMatchesNormalized(haystack, needle, options)
- Use for plain strings with special characters like üöäè
- Demo
findMatchesHtmlNormalized(haystack, needle, options)
- Use for plain strings and html strings with special characters like üöäè
- Demo
uncoverMatches(haystack, needles, options)
- Similar to findMatches but expects an array of strings like
["the", "dog"]
as needle - Demo
uncoverMatchesHtml(haystack, needles, options)
- Similar to findMatchesHtml but expects an array of strings like
["the", "dog"]
as needle
uncoverMatchesNormalized(haystack, needles, options)
- Similar to findMatchesNormalized but expects an array of strings like
["the", "dog"]
as needle
uncoverMatchesHtmlNormalized(haystack, needles, options)
- Similar to findMatchesHtmlNormalized but expects an array of strings like
["the", "dog"]
as needle
score(matches, [haystack])
- Creates a score for passed matches, pass haystack so that lucid-search ranks matches closer to the beginning higher
- Demo