(Node.js) Command line utility for checking what files are ignored by
a project's .gitignore
and .npmignore
files. It uses the
ignore package for its filtering
Command Line Interface
(ls minus ignored)
List files that are not ignored by .gitignore-like files. By default, will
list all files, including sub directories, of those file not ignored using
the .gitignore files.
usage: ls-ignored [-r, --root <dir>] [-n, --npmignore]
[-d, --no-recurse] [-f, --file <file>]
[-i, --ignored] [-v, --verbose] [files...]
[files...] Only check and print the given files. Returns a
status code of 0 if all files are not ignored and
a status code of 1 if one or more files are ignored
-r, --root <dir> Give the root directory to find the ignore file
and to list files in. Default will use the current
directory. Option will be ignored if the file
option is used
-n, --npmingore Match files as npm would (using the .npmignore file
or the .gitignore file if a .npmignore file doesn't
exist). Note if no root directory is given, the
ignore files for all of the package will be used,
then the contents for the current directory will be
-d, --no-recurse Do not look in subdirectories for ignore files.
-p, --paths Print the full relative path for each file
-i, --ignored Print those files ignored instead of not ignored
-v, --verbose Print all files, marking included files with a +
and ignored files with a -
-f, --file <file> Use <file> as the ignore file instead of .gitignore
-h, --help Show this help
Javascript Module
The Javascript module is a simple wrapper around the
ignore package to load a projects
or .npmignore
files by default. Note that lsIgnore function
returns Promise that resolves to the Object that can be called like ignore.
* Create an ignore Object using either, the .gitignore file, the same
* configuration as NPM would use, or the given file.
* @param {boolean|string} [ignorePath] Either falsey to use the .gitignore file,
* a string path to the ignore to use, or truey to use the same
* configuration as NPM would use (.npmignore or .gitignore, plus some
* special files)
* @param {object} [options] Additional options
* @param {boolean} [options.noSearchSubdirectories] Boolean If truey, don't search
* subdirectories for ignore files. Will be ignored when a ignore file is
* @param {string} [options.rootDir] Specify the directory to list
function lsIgnore(ignorePath, options)
const lsIgnore = require('ls-ignore');
// To use the projects .gitignore file
lsIgnore().then((ignore) => {
// To check if a file will be ignored
// To filter out the files that will be ignored from a list of files
ignore.filter(['another.file', 'more.files', 'second.file']);
// To use the projects .npmignore file (or .gitignore if the .npmignore file
// doesn't exist, like npm will do)
// To use a custom ignore file
2.0.0 - 2018-01-07
- Ability to specify the root directory to use instead of using pkg-dir when a ignore file is not given
- Ability to print full relative paths of each file with argument for command line tool
argument - does by default. Useno-recurse
to not recurse
- Fixed handling of ignore files in subdirectories
- Changed second Javscript argument to options Object
- Default to using current working directory (CWD) for default (not in NPM mode)
- Only use pkg-dir in NPM mode
argument tono-recurse
argument - Add .git folde to be ignored by default
1.0.5 - 2018-01-06
- Fixed README to show Javacsript Module returns a Promise
1.0.4 - 2018-10-22
- Updated packages, which fixed issue with ? special character
1.0.3 - 2018-01-29
- Handle and error when can't find a root directory
1.0.2 - 2018-01-29
- Fix npm ignore functionality to ignore git and npm ignore files
1.0.1 - 2017-09-19
- Added bang to bin file, so runs correctly
1.0.0 - 2017-09-19
- Added searching subdirectories for ignore files
0.9.0 - 2017-09-18
Initial Release