# LoTe
A minimalistic, whitespace-sensitive template engine for writing HTML, XML and similar types of structured documents. Written in typescript for Node.js and (probably) browsers.
Why another template engine?
LoTe was developed as a robust replacement for Pug (Jade) language after it's gluttony became unbearable. LoTe has plain declarative syntax and relies on typescript mixins to implement complex logic.
html("en") head("LoTe") keywords/("LoTe, template engine, typescript, javascript, nodejs") body h1\Lote - node template engine -this is a comment p \A minimalistic, whitespace-sensitive template language for writing \ HTML, XML and similar types of structured documents. \ Implemented with typescript for a("http://nodejs.org")\node \ and (probably) browsers.
Render output (pretty-printed):
LoTe Lote - node template engine A minimalistic, whitespace-sensitive template engine for writing HTML, XML and similar types of structured documents. Implemented with typescript for node and (probably) browsers.
;; ;;trycatche // Prerender document. This optional pass will speedup final rendering// by invoking emitters that make no use of runtime data.renderer.Advancehtml_emitters;// Container with some runtime data.;// Render document.;
Node.js Support
LoTe works fine in Node.js 4.5 and newer. Distributed as lote npm module. Typings are included.
Browser Support
Technically LoTe should work in browsers but right now it only exists as Node.js module.