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1.6.0 • Public • Published

What is this ?

This project is an extension to the original leader-line project v1.0.7.

Why using it ?

The original LeaderLine class lacks:

Feature Description
parent option The original leaderline class always inserts the line svg element in body. In some cases, inserting the line in a specific element is required.
element property The LeaderLine instance lacks the element property, that points to the line's svg element in the DOM
scroll positioning If you create a line using the original class and then drag one of its connected elements (start/end) to the end of its parent's offset, causing the parent to become scrollable, the positioning of the line becomes incorrect
absolute positioning When you create a line and append it to a draggable element, making the draggable element the parent node of the line SVG element in the DOM, the positioning of the line becomes incorrect if you subsequently drag that element

What's new ?

This library tackles all the issues mentioned above and provides more options and properties to the LeaderLine instance :

New Options Description
parent where to insert the line element, default to document.body in <1.2.0 and to the line's end element parentNode in >=1.2.0
minGridLength The minimun line length (default to 40). Only applied to grid-pathed lines [>=1.6.0]
New Properties Type Description
element SVG Element The line svg element
removed boolean Indicates whether the line was removed (line.remove was called) or not [>=1.5.0]
standalone boolean Indicates whether the line is directly instantiated or not (ex: belongs to a LinkerLineChain instance) [>=1.5.0]

Changes :

  1. pointAnchor, areaAnchor, mouseHoverAnchor are renamed to PointAnchor, AreaAnchor, MouseHoverAnchor.
  2. CaptionLabel and PathLabel are merged into Label. The Label has an option named "on" that takes as a value either "path" or "element".
  3. animation object "timing" property is renamed to "easing".
  4. dash "len" property is renamed to "length".



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How to use it ?

Just install the package using npm or any package manager of your choice :

npm install --save linkerline

And then use it in your code as follows :

import LinkerLine from "linkerline";

const line=new LinkerLine({
    parent:HTMLElement,// this is the new parent option
//line.element => returns the line svg element

Version 1.5.0 add-ons

Static Method Name Return Value Description
removeAll() void removes all standalone lines at once
getLineChain(line:LinkerLine) LinkerLineChain | null returns the LinkerLineChain instance the line belongs to if any

LinkerLine Chain [1.3.0]


new LinKerLine.Chain(nodes,options):LinkerLineChain;
Param Name Type Description
nodes HTMLElement[] The chain nodes
options object The chain options

Chain Options :

Option Name Type Description
linkingDuration number The line draw animation duration, default to 500
linked boolean specifies if the chain is initially linked or not, default to false
lineOptions LinkerLineOptions The line options
onLinkChange (context : object) : void Called on each node-to-node connection change

onLinkChange Context :

Property Name Type Description
line LinkerLine The connection line
startNode HTMLElement Same as line.start
endNode HTMLElement Same as line.end
nodesLinked boolean Indicates whether the nodes are linked or unlinked
hopIndex number The hop index [>=1.4.0]


Name Type Description
nodes HTMLElement[] gets the chain target nodes
lines LinkerLine[] gets the chain lines
linked boolean true if all nodes are fully linked, false otherwise
partiallyLinked boolean true if at least one line is visible, false otherwise
link () : void links the chain nodes
unlink () : void unlinks the chain nodes
pushNode (node:HTMLElement) : void appends a new node to the end of the chain
unshiftNode (node:HTMLElement) : void adds a new node at the start of the chain

Additional properties are added to nodes:

Property Name Type Description
outLine LinkerLine | undefined The linkerline instance exiting the node
inLine LinkerLine | undefined The linkerline instance entering the node

Illustration code :

const chain=new LinkerLine.Chain(nodes,{
        const color=nodesLinked?line.color:null;;;

positionAll [1.2.0]

A new static method LinkerLine.positionAll() : void that updates all the lines'positions at once.

Custom Plugs [1.1.0]

It allows defining custom plugs via the static method LinkerLine.definePlug( options : object ).

Option Name Type Description
name string (required) plug name
shape enum "rect","ellipse" defines a plug via a shape
svg string | (color:string,weight:string)=>string defines a plug via an svg string
src string defines a plug via an url or base64 string
width number sets the plug base width
height number sets the plug base height
margin number margin between the plug and the start/end element
rotatable boolean indicates whether the plug should have a fixed orientation or rotate accordingly
        <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="${color}" stroke-width="${weight}" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
            <path d="M8.243 7.34l-6.38 .925l-.113 .023a1 1 0 0 0 -.44 1.684l4.622 4.499l-1.09 6.355l-.013 .11a1 1 0 0 0 1.464 .944l5.706 -3l5.693 3l.1 .046a1 1 0 0 0 1.352 -1.1l-1.091 -6.355l4.624 -4.5l.078 -.085a1 1 0 0 0 -.633 -1.62l-6.38 -.926l-2.852 -5.78a1 1 0 0 0 -1.794 0l-2.853 5.78z"/>

const line=new LinkerLine({

For svgs, when a function is specified, the color and the weight params will respectively make sure that the plug will match the line color (or start/endPlugColor if specified) and thickness.

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  • ahmedayachi