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1.0.0 • Public • Published

How to use Auth Package


The Auth package facilitates authentication in your application using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). It employs express-jwt for stateless authentication, handling accessToken and refreshToken for web applications via Cookies and mobile applications using @capacitor/preferences.

Since the accessToken and refreshToken generated, default accessToken will be valid 60 minutes and refreshToken 7 days and your refreshToken will be saved into the database.


To integrate the Auth package, follow these steps:

  1. Wrap your routes with <ProvideAuth> component. Define the userType and accountType and any additional availableAccountTypes.
import {FreeAccount} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/FreeAccount';
import {Person} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/Person';
import {PaidAccountTier1} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/PaidAccountTier1';

  {/* Your application code */}
  1. Set the environment variables AUTH_ACCOUNT_TYPE and AUTH_USER_TYPE to match the types imported in the ProvideAuth component.
"AUTH_ACCOUNT_TYPE": "lincd-dating/lib/shapes/FreeAccount",
"AUTH_USER_TYPE": "lincd-dating/lib/shapes/Person",

How to use on Frontend

Import the useAuth hook in your page to access functions like signin, validateToken, and signout.

Get user and userAccount

import {useAuth} from 'lincd-auth/lib/hooks/useAuth';
import {FreeAccount} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/FreeAccount';
import {Person} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/Person';

const auth = useAuth<Person, FreeAccount>();
// Person Shapes
const user = auth.user;
// UserAccount Shapes
const userAccount = auth.userAccount;

Signin with OAuth

// example OAuth signin method

Sign out

Since user signout, the process is all the tokens will be remove from cookies, storages and databases.

import {useAuth} from 'lincd-auth/lib/hooks/useAuth';
import {Person} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/Person';
import {FreeAccount} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/FreeAccount';

const auth = useAuth<Person, FreeAccount>();
<button onClick={() => auth.signout()}>

Validate Token

If you want to redirect the user to specific pages upon authentication, you can use the validateToken function.

useEffect(() => {
  const validateToken = async () => {
    const validToken = await auth.validateToken();
    if (validToken) {
      // navigate when the token is valid
    } else {
      // navigate to the signin page
}, []);

How to use on Backend

When a user is authenticated, the request on the server will be updated. This example usage of retrieving user information from the request in the backend.

import {BackendProvider} from 'lincd-server-utils/lib/utils/BackendProvider';
import {Person} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/Person';
import {FreeAccount} from 'lincd-dating/lib/shapes/FreeAccount';

export default class SPBackendProvider extends BackendProvider {
  getProfiles() {
    // get linkedAuth from request
    const auth = this.request.linkedAuth;

    // if the user has successfully signed in, "auth" will be available.
    // and if not, return false.
    if (!auth) {
      console.warn('No user authenticated.');
      return false;

    const user = auth.userAccount.accountOf as Person;
    const userAccount = auth.userAccount as FreeAccount;

    // now you can use 'user' and 'userAccount' in your backend logic
    // ...

Email configuration

Make sure to install an email client, like lincd-zeptomail. So that emails like 'forgot password' and 'verify email' can be sent from the backend.

Setup Reset Password

To enable reset password, define a route for the reset password callback component in your app:

reset_password_callback: {
  path: '/auth/reset-password',
  component: lazy(
    () =>
        'lincd-auth/lib/components/ForgotPasswordCallback' /* webpackPrefetch: true */

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