
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Safely run code in separate process. Limit child process requiring module.

npm install --save limited-process

class constructor

constructor(fileName[, jsCode])

fileName : Js file`s absolute path. If you provide jsCode parameter, the fileName will be this code`s alias, use for stack trace.

jsCode : A javascript code string, it will be run in other process.

class properties

  • fileName: jsCode correspond filename, use for stack trace.

  • jsCode: A javascript code string, it will be run in other process.

  • requireList: A module name array, in child process all those module names will be required and exposed at global.lp.requireList.

  • service A object consist of function, child process can use global.lp.invoke to invoke those functions. Note than, those function can not return a function. If you need running a async task, you can return a promise object.

  • cpuUsage Child process cpu usage. If child process is not running, this property will be undefined.

  • memoryUsage Child process memory usage. If child process is not running, this property will be undefined.

  • errors: A array consist of child process uncaught exception.

  • isRunning: Indicates whether the child process is running.

  • startTime: Child process start time.

  • invoke: you can use this to invoke child process global.lp.service. Like this, invoke(functionName[,...args]) or invoke.functionName([...args]).

  • pid, stderr, stdin, stdout: Same to child_process module

class methods

  • async start(option = {debug: false}): Start child process.
    • debug: Is using --inspect flag to run child process. If debug is true, start() will return a debug net address string.
  • setTimeout(delay) How much time to turn off the child process
  • async kill([signal]) The child.kill() methods sends a signal to the child process. If no argument is given, the process will be sent the 'SIGTERM' signal. Before child process close, child process`s global.lp.onClose will be triggered.

class events

  • childProcessError: When child process generate a uncaught exception.
  • close, error, exit: Same to child_process module

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  • wujingtao