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1.1.0 • Public • Published


A light-weight JavaScript library for using LIFX HTTP API.


Read your lights, turn them on or off, change their colors and activate your favorite scene.

Important Note

To use lifxjs, you need to obtain a valid OAuth 2 access token first.


Install with npm:

npm install --save lifxjs

Install with yarn:

yarn add lifxjs



const Lifx = require('lifxjs');


const lifx = new Lifx();
lifx.init({ appToken: 'APP_TOKEN' });

Get, Turn On or Off and change the Color of your Lights

(async function () {
  // get all lights for the given access token
  const lights = await lifx.get.all();

  // find the light you are searching for
  const officeBulb = lights.find(function (light) {
    return light.label === 'Office Bulb';

  // turn the light on
  await lifx.power.light(, 'on');

  // set its color to a hue value...
  await lifx.color.light(, {
    hue: 273,
    saturation: 1,
    brightness: 1

  // ...or to a kelvin value
  await lifx.color.light(, {
    kelvin: 3500,
    brightness: 1

  // turn it off when the job is done...
  await lifx.power.light(, 'off');

  // ...or turn all the lights off instead
  await lifx.power.all('off');

Get and Activate your favorite Scene

(async function () {
  // get all scenes for the given access token
  const scenes = await lifx.get.scenes();

  // find the scene you are searching for
  const movieScene = scenes.find(function (scene) {
    return === 'Sci-Fi Movie Scene';

  // activate the scene
  await lifx.scene.activate(movieScene.uuid);



To initialize the library and then be able to use the features, you first have to invoke .init() and pass options object as a parameter with the following properties:

Property Details
appToken: string How to obtain a LIFX Oauth2 Token


Method Parameters Response
all() None List Lights
light(id) id: string List Lights
group(id) id: string List Lights
location(id) id: string List Lights
scenes() None List Scenes


Method Parameters Response
all(status, duration?) status: 'on' | 'off'
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State
light(id, status, duration?) id: string
status: 'on' | 'off'
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State
group(id, status, duration?) id: string
status: 'on' | 'off'
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State
location(id, status, duration?) id: string
status: 'on' | 'off'
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State


Method Parameters Response
all(color, wakeup?, duration?) color: LifxColorConfig
wakeup: boolean (default: true)
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State
light(id, color, wakeup?, duration?) id: string
color: LifxColorConfig
wakeup: boolean (default: true)
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State
group(id, color, wakeup?, duration?) id: string
color: LifxColorConfig
wakeup: boolean (default: true)
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State
location(id, color, wakeup?, duration?) id: string
color: LifxColorConfig
wakeup: boolean (default: true)
duration: number (default: 1)
Set State

The LifxColorConfig may have the following properties:

Property Example
hex: string hex: '#ff000'
rgb: string rgb: '255,255,0'
hue: [0-360] hue: 273
saturation: [0.0-1.0] saturation: 1
kelvin: [1500-9000] kelvin: 3500
brightness: [0.0-1.0] brightness: 0.6

Please note when using LifxColorConfig:

  1. Neither hex nor rgb can be combined with hue, saturation, kelvin and brightness.
  2. One or many of the hue, saturation, kelvin, and brightness values can be combined to describe the desired color. Read more.


Method Parameters Response
activate(uuid) uuid: string Activate Scene


  • Add support for effects.

Run Tests

Run tests once:

yarn test

Run tests with watch option

yarn test:watch


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



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  • thanoskrg