
1.0.4 • Public • Published


Node.js Lifx HTTP API Wrapper


  • Promise based REST API calls
  • Easy access to API responses
  • Supports most LIFX HTTP API endpoints (more to be added)


Install lifx-node-wrapper with npm:

 $ npm install lifx-node-wrapper

To run this project, you will need a LIFX HTTP API key. Get your key here:


Getting started

import Lifx from 'lifx-node-wrapper';

//create instance with our Lifx Token
var lifx = new Lifx(LIFX_KEY);

//lifx.<method> will now always use the key provided

Get list of all lights

Most functions require a selector to determine which lights to control. To stay consistent and avoid the package breaking, the wrapper uses standard LIFX selectors laid out in their documentation.

var lights = await lifx.ListLights('all')


    //grab returned data
    .then(data => {
        //handle data
    .catch(err => 
        //handle errors

Not using a parameter in a function

If you don't need a certain parameter, fill the spot with undefined. Note: selector and power are required if they are part of the function.

lifx.SetState('group_id:6a2e3...', 'on', undefined, 6.0, undefined, true)

You do not have to list undefined in every unused parameter.

lifx.SetState('group_id:6a2e3...', 'on')

API Reference

Get all items


Parameter Type Example Description
selector string 'all' Required

Returns all available lights and their unique selectors. It's recommended to use their unique ID's instead of names like "Living Room" since the ID's will never change.

Example response converted to JSON:

    "id": "d07...949",
    "uuid": "029...609d",
    "label": "Office Light",
    "connected": true,
    "power": "off",
    "color": {
      "hue": 0,
      "saturation": 0,
      "kelvin": 2000
    "brightness": 0.3,
    "group": {
      "id": "e1ad...537",
      "name": "Office"
    "location": {
      "id": "fd599...08350",
      "name": "Home"
    "product": {
      "name": "LIFX Mini Day and Dusk",
      "identifier": "lifx_mini_day_and_dusk2",
      "company": "LIFX",
      "vendor_id": 1,
      "product_id": 60,
      "capabilities": {
        "has_color": false,
        "has_variable_color_temp": true,
        "has_ir": false,
        "has_hev": false,
        "has_chain": false,
        "has_matrix": false,
        "has_multizone": false,
        "min_kelvin": 1500,
        "max_kelvin": 4000
    "last_seen": "2022-06-19T02:50:56Z",
    "seconds_since_seen": 0


Parameter Type Example Description
selector string 'group_id:6a2e3b...' Required
power string 'on' Required
color string
brightness double 0.1
duration double 1.0 Defaults to 1.0
infared double '0.5'
fast boolean false Defaults to false


Parameter Type Example Description
selector string 'id:3a9b0x...' Required

Turn off lights if any of them are on, or turn them on if they are all off.


Lists all scenes associated with the API Key provided.

Example response converted to JSON:

    "uuid": "1b3a...s3451",
    "name": "Night Time",
    "account": {
      "uuid": "435dza...5182z"
    "states": [
        "selector": "id:d07...ee46",
        "power": "on",
        "brightness": 0.1297,
        "color": {
          "hue": 350.6141,
          "saturation": 1,
          "kelvin": 3500
    "created_at": 1639715780,
    "updated_at": 1652936342


Parameter Type Example Description
selector string 'scene_id:6a2e3b...' Required
duration double 1.0 Defaults to 1.0
ignore array This has not been tested
overrides array This has not been tested
fast boolean false Defaults to false


Turn on a group of lights over 10 seconds with fast mode enabled

lifx.SetState('group_id:6a2e3...', 'on', undefined, 10.0, undefined, true)


//Note: no response is given in fast mode
lifx.SetState('group_id:6a2e3...', 'on', undefined, 10.0, undefined, true)
    .catch(err => 
        //handle errors

Toggle all lights off/on

lifx.TogglePower('group_id:6a2e3...', 'on')


lifx.TogglePower('group_id:6a2e3...', 'on')
    //grab returned data
    .then(data => {
        //handle data
    .catch(err => 
        //handle errors

Activate a scene that was previously set-up in the LIFX app

lifx.ActivateScene('scene_id:1c4d3c7...338fa9', 1.0)


lifx.ActivateScene('scene_id:1c4d3c7...338fa9', 1.0)
    //grab returned data
    .then(data => {
        //handle data
    .catch(err => 
        //handle errors

Future Goals

  • Add remaining API Endpoints

  • Add additional error handling to improve usability

  • Implement automated tests / checks using jest


Inspired by other related projects:



📖 Feedback

I wrote this wrapper to use in my personal project to control my apartments smart devices through a custom Telegram Bot. LIFX lights had several nodejs libraries available, but few were up to date.

My goal was to not only to reduce outside dependencies in my own projects, but also make the API easier to use for others.

Writing this wrapper introduced me to javascript prototypes, classes, publishing NPM packages, and exporting/importing ES modules. Now to update my Telegram Bot to support this module...

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

🔗 Links

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  • otzolive