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Node.js bindings to the libMemcached library.

Table of contents


  • memcached >= 1.4.14
  • libmemcached >= 1.0.18
  • libmemcached-dev
  • gcc with c++11


npm install libmemcached --save


yarn add libmemcached


const MemcachedClient = require('libmemcached')


constructor(config: string)

Initialize client.

config parameter is a libMemcached configuration string.

const mcc = new MemcachedClient('--SERVER=')

set(key: string, value: Buffer|string|number, expiration?:integer=0): this

Store item.

mcc.set('key', 'val')

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • when value is not provided

Function throws TypeError when:

  • when value is boolean, null, undefined, function, object or array
try {
  mcc.set('key', true)
catch(err) {

add(key: string, value: Buffer|string|number, expiration?:integer=0): this

Add item. If key does exist - do nothing.

mcc.add('key', 'val')

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • when value is not provided

Function throws TypeError when:

  • when value is boolean, null, undefined, function, object or array
try {
  mcc.add('key', true)
catch(err) {

replace(key: string, value: Buffer|string|number, expiration?:integer=0): this

Replace item. If key doesn't exist - do nothing.

mcc.replace('key', 'val')

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • when value is not provided

Function throws TypeError when:

  • when value is boolean, null, undefined, function, object or array
try {
  mcc.replace('key', true)
catch(err) {

append(key: string, value: Buffer|string|number, expiration?:integer=0): this

Append value to existing item. If key doesn't exist - do nothing.

mcc.append('key', 'val')

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • when value is not provided

Function throws TypeError when:

  • when value is boolean, null, undefined, function, object or array
try {
  mcc.append('key', true)
catch(err) {

prepend(key: string, value: Buffer|string|number, expiration?:integer=0): this

Prepend value to existing item. If key doesn't exist - do nothing.

mcc.prepend('key', 'val')

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • when value is not provided

Function throws TypeError when:

  • when value is boolean, null, undefined, function, object or array
try {
  mcc.prepend('key', true)
catch(err) {

get(key: string): Buffer|undefined

Get item.

let val = mcc.get('key')

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
try {
  let key
  let val = mcc.get(key)
catch(err) {

Function returns undefined when key doesn't exist.

exist(key: string): boolean

Determine if a item exists.

if (mcc.exist('key')) {
  console.log('key exist')
} else {
  console.log('key doesn\'t exist')

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
try {
  let key
catch(err) {

touch(key: string, expiration: integer): this

Update the expiration time of an existing item without fetching it.

mcc.touch('key', 100)

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided

Function throws TypeError when:

  • expiration isn't integer
try {
  mcc.touch('key', 1.23)
catch(err) {

delete(key: string): this

Remove a item.


Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • key is not exist
try {
catch(err) {

increment(key: string, offset?: integer=1): integer

Incrementing item.

let key = mcc.increment('key', 10)

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • key is not exist

Function throws TypeError when:

  • item is not integer
  • offset is not integer
try {
  let key = mcc.increment('key', 10.1)
catch(err) {

decrement(key: string, offset?: integer=1): integer

Decrementing item.

let key = mcc.decrement('key', 10)

Function throws Error when:

  • key is not provided
  • key is not exist

Function throws TypeError when:

  • item is not integer
  • offset is not integer
try {
  let key = mcc.decrement('key', 10.1)
catch(err) {

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npm i libmemcached

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  • tomi77