Helper functions for DynamoDB Document Client that add type parameters for assigning more precise types in inputs and outputs.
- Input parameters are the same as command input parameters, but with stricter types according to type parameters.
- Simplified and flexible paginate utility for query and scan commands.
interface Key {
pk: string;
sk: string;
interface Item extends Key {
userId: string
Client: DocumentClient,
TableName: "test",
await putItem<Item, ReturnValues.NONE>(TABLE_CONFIGURATION, {
Item: {
pk: 'abc',
sk: '123',
userId: 'userId'
ReturnValues: ReturnValues.NONE
const result = await getItem<Item, Key>(TABLE_CONFIGURATION, {
Key: {
pk: 'abc',
sk: '123'
console.log(result.Item) // { pk: 'abc', sk: '123', userId: 'userId' }
batchGetItems<Attributes, Key>
batchWriteItems<Attributes, Key>
deleteItem<Attributes, Key, ReturnValues>
executeItemsStatement<Attributes, CursorKey>
getItem<Attributes, Key>
putItem<Attributes, ReturnValues>
queryItems<Attributes, CursorKey>
scanItems<Attributes, CursorKey>
transactGetItems<Attributes, Key>
transactWriteItems<Attributes, Key>
updateItem<Attributes, Key, ReturnValues>
const result = await paginate(
PageLimit: 5,
TotalLimit: 8,
async (paginatorParameters: PaginatorParameters<TestPrimaryKey | undefined>) => {
return queryItems<TestPrimaryKey, TestPrimaryKey>(TABLE_CONFIGURATION, {
KeyConditionExpression: "pk = :pk",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":pk": hash,
console.log( => page.Items).flat().length); // 8
- [ ] Tests for BatchExecuteStatementCommand, ExecuteStatementCommand, ExecuteTransactionCommand