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leveldb vinyl adapter and blob store. Saves file contents in a content addressable blob store, file metadata in leveldb. Supports globbing, most of the gulp 4.0 options and emits streaming vinyl files.

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Because level-vinyl is a vinyl adapter, you can:

  • use 1000+ gulp plugins to transform files
  • aggregate files using multiple globs and negation
  • do gulp.src('src/*.png').pipe(db.dest('/assets')) like a pro: src/1.png ends up in your database at /assets/1.png
  • stream only modified files with options.since

Because level-vinyl saves metadata (stat, digest and custom properties) to leveldb by a virtual path, you can:

  • pipe to and from other databases, local and elsewhere (theoretically).
  • index metadata, do map-reduces
  • use sublevels to for example, save multiple versions of the same files
  • use triggers and hooks to process new files
  • or do something else entirely


var levelvinyl = require('level-vinyl')
  , level      = require('level-test')()
  , sublevel   = require('level-sublevel')
  , buffer     = require('vinyl-buffer')
  , imagemin   = require('imagemin-jpegtran')()
  , vfs        = require('vinyl-fs')
// Create database
var db = level();
var sdb = sublevel(db, { valueEncoding: 'json'});
var vinylDb = levelvinyl(sdb, './example/blobs')
// Create a sublevel for minified images
var min  = vinylDb.subvinyl('minified').dest('/')
var main = vinylDb.dest('/')
vfs.src('*.jpg')     // file.contents is a buffer
  .pipe(main)        // save to db
  .pipe(imagemin())  // minify
  .pipe(min)         // save minified to db

Same thing, other way around:

var min  = vfs.dest('./example/minified')
var main = vfs.dest('./example')
vinylDb.src('*.jpg') // file.contents is a stream
  .pipe(main)        // copy to fs
  .pipe(buffer())    // imagemin wants buffers
  .pipe(imagemin())  // minify
  .pipe(min)         // copy minified to fs

Note though, it's a levelup database:

vinylDb.get('/example.jpg', function(err, file){
vinylDb.get('/example.jpg', { read: false }, function(err, file){
  console.log( file.isNull() === true )


levelVinyl(db, options || path)

  • db a levelup database that has sublevel 6.x.x installed
  • options.path || path where to store the blobs (required)

If you provide an options object, it will be passed to content-addressable-blob-store.

vinyl adapter api

The items below are described in terms of compatibility with vinyl-fs.

db.src(pattern(s)[, options])


  • file.contents is a stream; options.buffer is not supported. You can use vinyl-buffer to convert streams to buffers (as the above example does).
  • Only streams regular files (file.stat.isFile() is always true).


  • aggregate multiple glob patterns, negation
  • results are ordered
  • file.base is set to the "glob base" or options.base
  • file.isNull() when options.read == false
  • should glob a directory
  • return dead stream if globs is empty array
  • throw on invalid glob (not a string or array)
  • support options.since

Missing / partial support

  • should pass through writes (needs test)
  • set glob options (nobrace etc).

db.dest([path][, options])


  • The path argument is optional and defaults to /. Files are identified in leveldb by an absolute virtual path, which is constructed from a file's relative property, optionally prefixed with path. Note that dest('/docs') currently does the same as dest('docs'), because there is no concept of a "current working directory" within the tree.
  • Saves a small subset of file.stat: mtime, ctime, mode and size. Mode is 777 or options.mode; only permission flags are saved.


  • updates files after write (cwd, base, path and stat)
  • custom mode with options.mode (this is just metadata and has no effect on the blob store)
  • writes buffers and streams, skips null files
  • supports path as function (gets a vinyl file, should return a path).

Missing / partial support

  • should allow piping multiple dests and should reset streams (needs specific test)
  • support options.cwd (irrelevant for save, but does set file.cwd)

db.watch([pattern(s)][, options][, cb])


  • does not emit a ready event and add() has no callback argument
  • the change types renamed and added are not supported
  • does not keep the process alive
  • both add() and remove() accept glob patterns.


  • adds cb as change listener
  • options.debounceDelay: debounce events for the same file, default delay is 500
  • options.maxListeners is passed to emitter.setMaxListeners
  • does nothing if patterns is empty.

Returns an emitter with these events:

  • change with {type, path} data where type is changed or deleted.
  • nomatch, when a changed or deleted file doesn't match the patterns
  • end when stopped.

And these methods:

  • add(pattern(s)): add patterns to be watched
  • remove(pattern(s)): exclude files from being matched
  • end(): stop watching.

levelup api

db.get(path[, options], cb)

Get a single file. path will be made absolute and unixified.

db.get('/images/moon.png', cb) // i like this
db.get('images\\moon.png', cb) // but this is fine too
  • options.read if false, the blob store isn't accessed and file.contents will be null
  • options.valueEncoding || options.encoding if set, the retrieved value won't be coerced to Vinyl

db.subvinyl(prefix[, options])

Create a sublevel and install level-vinyl - the sublevel will have its own blob store. Prefix and options are passed to sublevel.

db.put(key, vinyl[, options][, cb])

db.put(vinyl[, options][, cb])

Save a single file.

  • options.mode set file.stat.mode before saving, default is 777
  • options.base set the file's base
  • options.valueEncoding || options.encoding if set, the regular put() is called.

db.del(key[, cb])

Nothing special, except this again:

db.del('/document') == db.del('\\document')

db.batch(ops[, options], cb)

For put operations:

  • options.mode set file.stat.mode on all files
  • op.mode same, but per operation (overrides options.mode):
  type: 'put',
  key: '/project/readme',
  value: readmeFile,
  mode: 0755


This is a plain stream, i.e. it does not decode values to Vinyl files.

  • options.since stream only files modified since a date or timestamp. Ignored for key streams (when options.values === false).


Get the blob store instance.


With npm do:

npm install level-vinyl


MIT © Vincent Weevers

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