Legislative parser
A simple parser for identifying bills and other legislative items of the US Congress.
var leg = require('legislative-parser');
Pass in the name of a bill or resolution to get an object describing it.
// {
// id: 'hconres142',
// chamber: 'House',
// type: 'Concurrent Resolution',
// binding: false,
// number: 142,
// congress: 115
// }
Legislation names take the form TYPE.NUMBER
, optionally specifying a congress
following a dash -
. The correct abbreviations for different types of
legislation are listed here. They
are case-insensitive and all separators (periods or spaces) are optional.
The parser also accepts amendments.
// {
// id: 'hamdt242',
// chamber: 'House',
// type: 'Amendment',
// number: 242,
// congress: 114
// }
Amendment names take the form of CHAMBER.Amdt.NUMBER
, optionally specifying a
congress following a dash -
. They are case-insensitive and all separators
(periods or spaces) are optional.
Vote records
You can also parse the references to roll call votes. (These don't have official identifiers besides their number, so I had to get a little creative.)
// {
// id: '266',
// chamber: 'Senate',
// type: 'Vote',
// number: 266,
// session: 2,
// congress: 116
// }
Vote names take the form of CHAMBER.SESSION.NUMBER
, optionally specifying
a congress following a dash -
. Like legislation, they are
case-insensitive and separators are optional; however, Senate votes require
a separator between the session number and vote number to distinguish them
from Senate bills.
This project includes type declarations. You can import the types used via:
import { Legislation, Resolution, Bill, Amendment, Vote } from 'legislative-parser/types';
You can also use the Id
namespace to skip type checking the parser's
results when you know how a given string will be parsed.
import { Id } from 'legislative-parser/types';
import { parse } from 'legislative-parser';
const knownAmendment = 'hamdt242' as Id.Amendment;
parse(knownAmendment); // returns an Amendment type