Leaflet Coordinates Projection
Show coordinates on mousemove in Leaflet map. Ability to change from different projections (But this requires a proj4leaflet object of projection).
How to use ?
let coordP = L.control.coordProjection({
crs: kosovarefCrs,
// change projection with:
coordP.changeCrs(crs); // crs is string only if it's leaflet's official projections, otherwise it should be a proj4jsleaflet object.
Options available:
position: Defaults to 'bottomleft'
separator: Separate lon\lat values. Defaults to ' | '
emptystring: Initial text to display. Defaults to ' '
lngFirst: Longitude first or not. Defaults to false
numDigits: Number of digits. Defaults to 3
lngFormatter: Custom function to format the longitude value. Defaults to undefined
latFormatter: Custom function to format the latitude value. Defaults to undefined
prefix: Prepended a string to the coordinates. Defaults to the empty string ''
crs: Projection to see the coordinates, it can be a string for 'EPSG4326, EPSG3857, EPSG3395' or a CRS complex object of proj4leaflet
projection. Defaults to 'EPSG4326'.