Lazy Installer
A simple NPM package for the typical lazy developer. This package is to basically install NPM packages detected in the
section of a process
How To Use
Process Execution
let lazy = ;process;
CLI (Command Line Interface)
let yargs = ;let lazy = ;let options = yargsargv;lazy;
Example Unhandled Rejection:
Error: Cannot find module 'hastebin-gen'Require stack:* \New Project - 2020\Template v12\Commands\Developer\eval.js* \New Project - 2020\Template v12\Lib\Loaders\Commands.js* \New Project - 2020\Template v12\Events\Ready.js* \New Project - 2020\Template v12\Lib\Handlers\EventHandler.js* \New Project - 2020\Template v12\index.js15)27)19)18)\18)30)10)32)14)19) {code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',requireStack: ['E:\\New Project - 2020\\Template v12\\Commands\\Developer\\eval.js','E:\\New Project - 2020\\Template v12\\Lib\\Loaders\\Commands.js','E:\\New Project - 2020\\Template v12\\Events\\Ready.js','E:\\New Project - 2020\\Template v12\\Lib\\Handlers\\EventHandler.js','E:\\New Project - 2020\\Template v12\\index.js']}
Code of Conduct
You can find the Code of Conduct here
Bug Reporting
You can find our Bug Report template here
New Feature Requests
You can find our Feature Request template here
Looking for contributors to improve this package further; Simple fork this repo and improve then do a pull request.