
3.0.11 • Public • Published

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Layer Manager

This library will help you to manage the addition and removal of layers. It also provides methods to set opacity, visibility and zIndex.

We currently only supports Mapbox spec. Leaflet or Google Maps Plugin is in our minds.

💣 Install

Using npm:

npm install layer-manager

Using yarn:

yarn add layer-manager


layer-manager requires react@16.3.2 or higher to work.

You should also install these packages versions to have everything working

  • axios

📋 Docs


map - (required)

An instance of the map.

plugin - (required)

A plugin to handle all the layer functionalities depending on the map tech. Layer Manager provides you with the Mapbox one, if you want to use Leaflet, GoogleMaps or any other map tech you should provide it with the correct specification.

How could you create your own plugin? => Cooming soon

providers - (optional)

An object with the provider type as a key. Each key should be a function.

Each function will receive the following props:

  • layerModel - (object)
    • Current layer model. It contains source and render already parsed.
  • layer - (object)
    • Current layer spec ready to be consumed.
  • resolve - (function)
    • resolve function from the Promise. You must resolve it always with the layer transformed
  • reject - (function)
    • reject function from the Promise.

If you need to fetch something inside this function you will need to use fetch function exported by layer-manager. It's a little wrapper around axios and adds a CancelToken from axios that will cancel requests to prevent duplicate layers and bugs.

You need to send the following params

  • type - (required) - (string)
    • get or post
  • url - (required) - (string)
    • url where you want to get the data
  • options - (required) - (object)
    • axios options
  • layerModel - (required) - (object)
    • It will be used for saving the request and apply cancelation


    id: 'mongabay-stories',
    name: 'Mongabay stories',
    type: 'geojson',
    source: {
      type: 'geojson',
      provider: {
        type: 'mongabay-stories',
        url: '*%20FROM%20mongabay&format=geojson',
        options: {}
    render: {
      metadata: {
        position: 'top'
      layers: [
          type: 'circle',
          paint: {
            'circle-color': [
              ['exponential', 0.5],
            'circle-stroke-width': 1

          // It will put the layer on the top
          metadata: {
            position: 'top'
// PROVIDERS functions
import { fetch } from 'layer-manager';

  'mongabay-stories': (layerModel, layer, resolve, reject) => {
    const { source } = layerModel;
    const { provider } = source;

    fetch('get', provider.url, provider.options, layerModel)
      .then(response => {
        return resolve({
          source: {
            ...omit(layer.source, 'provider'),
            data: {
              type: 'FeatureCollection',
              features: => ({
                type: 'Feature',
                properties: r,
                geometry: {
                  type: 'Point',
                  coordinates: [r.lon,]
      .catch(e => {


id - (required) - (string|number)

A unique value.

type - (required) - (string)

One of these values. ['raster', 'vector', 'geojson'].

source - (required) - (object)

An object defining how you are going to get the layer data. Only raster, vector and geojson are supported. Check this link


  "type": "raster",
  "tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}.png"]

If you define a provider (remember to set the providers at LayerManager initialization) it will call the provider method and you will need to resolve the Promise.

if you need to make a request inside your custom provider use

import { fetch } from 'layer-manager';

fetch(type, url, options, layerModel)

After you fetch you need to resolve or reject the promise

render - (optional) - (object)

An object defining how you are going to display the layer data. To define layer styles you must provide a layers array attribute containing all the styles. Those styles follow the Mapbox style spec


  "layers": [
      "type": "fill",
      "source-layer": "layer0",
      "paint": {
        "fill-color": "#000000",
        "fill-opacity": 1
      "type": "line",
      "source-layer": "layer0",
      "paint": {
        "line-color": "#000000",
        "line-opacity": 0.1

images - (optional) - (array)

An array defining images that you want to add to the mapbox styles. This array must contain objects with id and src. After that you can add layers type symbol with your custom icons by using the id you have already defined. You can also add options. It will be used for adding custom options to addImage function from mapbox


  "images": [
      "id": "marker1",
      "src": "/static/images/marker1.svg",
      "options": {}

opacity - (optional) - (number)

A number between 0 and 1. Default: 1

visibility - (optional) - (boolean)

A boolean to set the visibility of the layer. Changing visibility won't remove the layer from the map, it will only hide it. Default: true

params - (optional) - (object)

An object that we will use to substitute all the concurrences of each key with its respective value inside render and source.


Given this layer object. Pay atention to the colors inside render.layers and the paramsobject.

  "id": "test",
  "type": "geojson",
  "params": {
    "color": "#CCC"
  "source": {
    "type": "geojson",
    "data": {
      "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "properties": {},
          "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                [12.3046875, 48.69096039092549],
                [5.625, 20.632784250388028],
                [45.3515625, 27.059125784374068],
                [48.515625, 45.82879925192134],
                [12.3046875, 48.69096039092549]
  "render": {
    "layers": [
        "type": "fill",
        "paint": {
          "fill-color": "{color}",
          "fill-opacity": 1
        "type": "line",
        "paint": {
          "line-color": "{{color}}",
          "line-opacity": 0.1

{color} and {{color}} will be substituted by '#CCC' before adding thew layer.

  "id": "test",
  "type": "geojson",
  "params": {
    "color": "#CCC"
  "source": {
    "type": "geojson",
    "data": {
      "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "properties": {},
          "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                [12.3046875, 48.69096039092549],
                [5.625, 20.632784250388028],
                [45.3515625, 27.059125784374068],
                [48.515625, 45.82879925192134],
                [12.3046875, 48.69096039092549]
  "render": {
    "layers": [
        "type": "fill",
        "paint": {
          "fill-color": "#CCC",
          "fill-opacity": 1
        "type": "line",
        "paint": {
          "line-color": "#CCC",
          "line-opacity": 0.1

sqlParams - (optional) - (object)

An object that we will use to substitute all the concurrences of each key with its respective value, but in sql format.

The name of the keys is very important. Depending on the name the replacement will be different. You can use several where or and by adding a number after. Check the example.

  • where: WHERE statment wil be used for the substitution.
  • and: AND statment wil be used for the substitution.
  • other: it will be substituted directly


Given this layer object

  "id": "species",
  "type": "vector",
  "params": {
    "iso3": "swe",
    "year": 2020
  "sqlParams": {
    "where": {
      "iso3": "SWE"
    "where2": {
      "species": "Picea glauca",
      "scenario": "rcp45"
  "source": {
    "type": "vector",
    "provider": {
      "type": "carto",
      "options": {
        "account": "simbiotica",
        "layers": [
            "options": {
              "sql": "WITH a AS (SELECT cartodb_id, the_geom_webmercator, uuid, iso3 FROM all_geometry {{where}}) SELECT a.the_geom_webmercator, a.cartodb_id, b.uuid, b.timeinterval as year, b.species, b.scenario, b.probabilityemca FROM {iso3}_zonal_spp_uuid as b INNER JOIN a ON b.uuid = a.uuid {{where2}}"
            "type": "cartodb"
  "render": {
    "layers": [
        "filter": ["==", "year", "{year}"],
        "paint": {
          "fill-color": [
            ["get", "probabilityemca"],
          "fill-opacity": 1
        "source-layer": "layer0",
        "type": "fill"

You will have this result

  "id": "species",
  "type": "vector",
  "source": {
    "type": "vector",
    "provider": {
      "type": "carto",
      "options": {
        "account": "simbiotica",
        "layers": [
            "options": {
              "sql": "WITH a AS (SELECT cartodb_id, the_geom_webmercator, uuid, iso3 FROM all_geometry WHERE iso3 = 'SWE') SELECT a.the_geom_webmercator, a.cartodb_id, b.uuid, b.timeinterval as year, b.species, b.scenario, b.probabilityemca FROM swe_zonal_spp_uuid as b INNER JOIN a ON b.uuid = a.uuid WHERE species = 'Picea glauca' AND scenario = 'rcp45'"
            "type": "cartodb"
  "render": {
    "layers": [
        "filter": ["==", "year", 2020],
        "paint": {
          "fill-color": [
            ["get", "probabilityemca"],
          "fill-opacity": 1
        "source-layer": "layer0",
        "type": "fill"

decodeParams - (optional) - (object)

An object that we will use as properties to decode the raster tile images of a layer. The must be numbers, no strings allowed.

decodeFunction must be present.

These decodeParams will be sent to the decodeFunction.


  "decodeParams": {
    "startYear": 2001,
    "endYear": 2018

decodeFunction - (optional) - (string)

A shader that defines how to decode each of the images tiles that comes to a raster layer.

decodeParams must be present.

onAfterAdd - (optional) - (function)

A function that will be triggered after you add a layer. It doesn't mean that the layer tiles are loaded, it means that the layer is ready for consumption for things like adding interactivity, reading source, etc...

onAfterRemove - (optional) - (function)

A function that will be triggered after you remove a layer.

✂️ Usage

There are two React components that can be used to help with rendering layers via the layer manager. It can be imported and used as follows:

import { LayerManager, Layer } from 'layer-manager/dist/components';
import { PluginMapboxGl } from 'layer-manager';

// map is a reference to whichever map API you are using
// For mapbox, we trully recommend `react-map-gl` = new Map();

const activeLayers = [
    id: 'gain',
    type: 'raster',
    source: {
      type: 'raster',
      tiles: ['{z}/{x}/{y}.png'],
      minzoom: 3,
      maxzoom: 12
    render: {
      layers: [
          minzoom: 3, //
          maxzzom: 12, //
          paint: {
            'raster-saturation': -1

    id: 'loss',
    type: 'raster',
    source: {
      type: 'raster',
      tiles: [
      minzoom: 3,
      maxzoom: 12
    decodeParams: {
      startYear: 2001,
      endYear: 2018
    decodeFunction: `
      // values for creating power scale, domain (input), and range (output)
      float domainMin = 0.;
      float domainMax = 255.;
      float rangeMin = 0.;
      float rangeMax = 255.;

      float exponent = zoom < 13. ? 0.3 + (zoom - 3.) / 20. : 1.;
      float intensity = color.r * 255.;

      // get the min, max, and current values on the power scale
      float minPow = pow(domainMin, exponent - domainMin);
      float maxPow = pow(domainMax, exponent);
      float currentPow = pow(intensity, exponent);

      // get intensity value mapped to range
      float scaleIntensity = ((currentPow - minPow) / (maxPow - minPow) * (rangeMax - rangeMin)) + rangeMin;
      // a value between 0 and 255
      alpha = zoom < 13. ? scaleIntensity / 255. : color.g;

      float year = 2000.0 + (color.b * 255.);
      // map to years
      if (year >= startYear && year <= endYear && year >= 2001.) {
        color.r = 220. / 255.;
        color.g = (72. - zoom + 102. - 3. * scaleIntensity / zoom) / 255.;
        color.b = (33. - zoom + 153. - intensity / zoom) / 255.;
      } else {
        alpha = 0.;

    id: 'multipolygon',
    type: 'geojson',
    source: {
      type: 'geojson',
      data: {
        type: 'FeatureCollection',
        features: [
            type: 'Feature',
            properties: {},
            geometry: {
              type: 'Polygon',
              coordinates: [
                  [12.3046875, 48.69096039092549],
                  [5.625, 20.632784250388028],
                  [45.3515625, 27.059125784374068],
                  [48.515625, 45.82879925192134],
                  [12.3046875, 48.69096039092549]
    render: {
      layers: [
          type: 'fill',
          paint: {
            'fill-color': '#FFBB00',
            'fill-opacity': 1
          type: 'line',
          paint: {
            'line-color': '#000000',
            'line-opacity': 0.1

    params: {
      color: '#CCC'
    id: 'protected-areas',
    type: 'vector',
    source: {
      type: 'vector',
      provider: {
        type: 'carto',
        account: 'wri-01',
        layers: [
            options: {
                '#wdpa_protected_areas {  polygon-opacity: 1.0; polygon-fill: #704489 }',
              cartocss_version: '2.3.0',
              sql: 'SELECT * FROM wdpa_protected_areas'
            type: 'cartodb'
    render: {
      layers: [
          type: 'fill',
          'source-layer': 'layer0',
          paint: {
            'fill-color': '{color}',
            'fill-opacity': 1
          type: 'line',
          'source-layer': 'layer0',
          paint: {
            'line-color': '#000000',
            'line-opacity': 0.1
    params: {
      iso3: 'swe',
      year: 2020
    sqlParams: {
      where: {
        iso3: 'SWE'
      where2: {
        species: 'Picea glauca',
        scenario: 'rcp45'
    onAfterAdd: layerModel => {
      // do stuff with the layerModel
    id: 'species',
    type: 'vector',
    source: {
      type: 'vector',
      provider: {
        type: 'carto',
        account: 'simbiotica',
        // api_key: 'añsdlkjfñaklsjdfklñajsdfñlkadjsf',
        layers: [
            options: {
              sql: "WITH a AS (SELECT cartodb_id, the_geom_webmercator, uuid, iso3 FROM all_geometry {{where}}) SELECT a.the_geom_webmercator, a.cartodb_id, b.uuid, b.timeinterval as year, b.species, b.scenario, b.probabilityemca FROM {iso3}_zonal_spp_uuid as b INNER JOIN a ON b.uuid = a.uuid {{where2}}"
            type: 'cartodb'
    render: {
      layers: [
          filter: ['==', 'year', "{year}"],
          paint: {
            'fill-color': [
              ['get', 'probabilityemca'],
            'fill-opacity': 1
          'source-layer': 'layer0',
          type: 'fill'

<LayerManager map={} plugin={PluginMapboxGl}>
  { => (
    <Layer key={} {...l} />

Example of ReatMapGL implementation with mapbox plugin:

import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { LayerManager, Layer } from 'layer-manager/dist/components';
import { PluginMapboxGl } from 'layer-manager';
import ReactMapGL from 'react-map-gl';

const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false);
const mapRef = useRef();

export default () => (
    onLoad={() => setLoaded(true)}
    {loaded && mapRef.current && (
      <LayerManager map={mapRef.current.getMap()} plugin={PluginMapboxGl}>
        { => (
          <Layer key={} {...l} />

Migration to Layer Manager 3.x


What's new in version 3 that should push me to migrate?

Computational performance reasons. Until now (v2) layer's body prop had things related to the source of the layer together with styling. That means that any change done to the styling of the layers would also unnecessarily refetch the layers (because of the props related to the source of the layer living in the same place as styling). Another feature in version 3 is that you'll be able to display vector tile layers that are served from a generic source. There's also more intuitive props naming as a bonus 🎉

How long will it take me to migrate?

That depends on your familiarity with the Layer Manager and also the size of your application. You should also consider what is your application's workflow. Think of stuff like:

  • Do you fetch your datasets and layers from the external API and consume the layer configs from there? (ex. resource-watch API) - you need to coordinate with your data team members so they will update the datasets and layers accordingly on their side.
  • Do you store any IDs to the datasets and layers in your codebase? You will need to update them in order to fetch v3 datasets and layers. Most can be upgraded with find-and-replace technique.
  • If all your layer configs live in your codebase, then the migration can be done solely on the frontend.
  • Are you currently using leaflet plugin from Layer Manager v2? You'll need to switch to Mapbox specification as in LMv3, only this plugin is available. If your application is small enough and has a couple of layers, you can assume it'll take you 2-3 days or even less :clock:. Large apps that have dependencies on the external API need to estimate for longer periods of time.

<LayerManager /> component

v2 v3
map map
plugin plugin
onLayerLoading -
- providers

Table legend

- removed in version 3

- added in version 3

The LayerManager component API specification hasn't changed a lot so start with removing the props that no longer exist. providers prop is a new prop that you'll need to add in your application if you're using a provider that is not supported by Mapbox. If you're using this prop, make sure you import fetch function from the LayerManager as well. Check above for further details.

<Layer /> component

v2 v3
id id
layerConfig source
- render
- images
  • | type | params | params | | sqlParams | sqlParams | | decodeParams | decodeParams | | opacity | opacity | | visibility | visibility | | zIndex | zIndex | | - | onAfterAdd | | - | onAfterRemove | | layerManager | layerManager |

Table legend

- removed in version 3

- added in version 3

In terms of the <Layer /> component, when migrating to version 3:

  • make sure to clean the code from the layerConfig prop and then layerConfig.body key (<Layer layerConfig={...} />)

  • layerConfig.body becomes source and render: layerConfig.body source, render

    <Layer layerConfig={{ body: { ... } }} />

    <Layer source={...} render={...} />

    Move from body anything that relates to the way that the layer is fetched (url, provider, type) to the new source prop. The content of source is passed into the mapbox inside LayerManager so check in mapbox documentation what props are supported.

    Anything that relates to styling the layer should go into render prop. render is optional because for raster layers it's not mandatory to define styles, although for vector type layers it is crucial to provide. Look for vectorLayers ocurrences in your code. layerConfig.body.vectorLayers becomes render.layers in this case.

    // v2
          body: {
            vectorLayers: [
              { ... },
              { ... }

    // v3
          layers: [
            { ... },
            { ... }
    render: {
      layers: <content of v2 vectorLayers>
  • If there is a provider key on the layerConfig level, it should be moved to the source object.

That should be it!




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  • andres.gonzalez
  • davidsingal
  • mbarrenechea
  • clementprdhomme
  • d4weed
  • hotzevzl
  • edbrett