This package replaces laravel-style placeholders to make these suitable for the i18next JavaScript library.
When using Laravel in the backend and React in the frontend with Vite, there is a package named vite-plugin-laravel-translations that exposes Laravel i18n strings configured in the lang/ directory. This package makes translation strings available as a global variable on the client side, named window.LARAVEL_TRANSLATIONS. This way you can maintain all your translations in PHP format and avoiding the duplication of work.
Since this global variable is just a nested object that contains a copy of the content in the "lang/" directory, it can be loaded directly into react-i18next as the resource. It works, but there is an issue: Laravel translation strings have the placeholders prefixed with a colon ( : ) but i18next encloses the placeholder in double curly brackets ( {{ }} ).
The i18next JavaScript library provides a way to configure both the prefix and the suffix that are used to enclose the placeholder, but there is no documented way to support the format provided by Laravel for translation strings.
This package contains a small function that takes an object with the structure used in the window.LARAVEL_TRANSLATIONS and performs a regular expression to replace placeholders prefixed with a colon by double curly bracketed ones.
If a value is found to be an object, the function looks into it recursively, and the regular expression is applied only to values that are strings. The resulting object can be consumed by i18next.
A second parameter was added to enable/disable debug: Performing a regular expression operation as many times as there are translation strings impacts the application's loading time, and printing the start/stop time is just a basic way to measure such impact.
If you are using i18next, you will probably have an i18n.js file that holds the configuration. Mine, for instance, looks like this.
import i18n from 'i18next'
import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next'
import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector'
debug: false,
detection: {
order: ['htmlTag', 'navigator']
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
resources: window.LARAVEL_TRANSLATIONS
export default i18n
The first step is to install the package:
$ npm install laravel-translations-i18next-ffixer
Then, import the ffixer function in your configuration file:
import ffixer from 'laravel-translations-i18next-ffixer'
Finally, you can pass the result of this function to the resources key in your configuration, like this:
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
resources: ffixer(window.LARAVEL_TRANSLATIONS)
If you want to print when is this function being loaded in the console, you can use ffixer(window.LARAVEL_TRANSLATIONS, debug=true) instead. This is a very rudimentary form of debugging, I didn't want to make things more complicated.
Because it aims to fix the issue with the suffix parameter in i18next.
I don't know. I'll keep researching and probably ping the guys who maintain the vite-plugin-laravel-translations package and the i18next library about this issue.
Hi, I'm Rodrigo Fuentealba, a neurodivergent human being who works in data science, plays chess, and rides motorcycles. You can find my website here.
MIT. See