Simple 42 api async request library with rate limit management.
Some of 42 api endpoints are very slow. For example, '/scale_teams' endpoint needs more than 10 seconds in one request!
So, if you send requests synchronously, it'll take incredibly long time.
title: Synchronous Request
flowchart LR
R1[Send First Request] --> W1[Wait First Response] --> R2[Send Second Request] --> W2[Wait Second Response] --> R3[Send Third Request] --> W3[Wait Thrid Response]
Let's assume that single request - response takse 10 seconds.
Above example, you'll need to wait more than 30 seconds. But if you send requests asynchronously, you can save much time.
title: Asynchronous Request
flowchart LR
R1[Send First Request] --> R2[Send Second Request] --> R3[Send Third Request] --> W[Wait All Responses]
With asynchronous approach, you just need to wait about 10 seconds!
But still, you need to consider about rate limits. Means you can't just send all requests at once. La Seine manages this for you, so you don't need to care about limits when sending requests.
La Seine supports multiple api clients. You can add multiple clients to La Seine, and La Seine will pick client automatically during request.
Assume you are sending requests to non-existing url. Api server will send 404 status response for each time, and this is neither good to 42 api server nor our application. In this case, La Seine aborts all pending requests and return results. The SeineResult will return the fulfilled responses in responses property form. (See below example.)
npm i la-seine
pnpm add la-seine
import seine from 'la-seine';
const seineRequestExample = async () => {
// 1. Add api client. (You can add mutliple clients here.)
await seine.addApiClient({
clientId: 'id-string',
clientSecret: 'secret-string',
// 2. Add requests
for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
`[number]=${i + 1}`,
// 3. Await for results.
const result = await seine.getResult();
// 4. Check result status and use data as you want.
if (result.status === 'success') {
// All requests are successfully done.
for (const response of result.responses) {
const data = await response.json();
} else {
// Check for partial successful requests.
if (result.responses) {
for (const response of result.responses) {
const data = await response.json();
// Log for failed requests.
for (const failedRequest of result.failedRequests) {
console.log(failedRequest.url, failedRequest.error);